Harry M Kat
- Features
Cornering the risk factor
To make correct investment decisions investors need a proper framework; flexible enough to realistically capture the complexity of their situation. Risk and return are crucial, that much is obvious, but how do we measure risk? Many fall back on the standard Markowitz model, defining risk as the standard deviation of ...
- Features
Beware ridiculous investment cases
Although commodity markets have been around for centuries, investors’ interest in them has always been quite limited. Over the last few years, however, this has changed completely. Commodities have very quickly become very popular and investment in commodities is growing at an unprecedented rate. It is estimated that over the ...
- Features
A match made in heaven
Forwards, futures, swaps and options on a large variety of underlying indices have been around for more than 30 years. Despite their popularity with many investors and corporate users, most pension funds have always carefully managed to avoid the use of derivatives because they can be somewhat complicated. However, derivatives ...
- Features
Common sense the touchstone
Hedge funds are on their way to become the next big thing in investment management. New funds start up every day, hedge funds are marketed aggressively to institutions and, under pressure to make up for recent losses, many institutional investors are showing serious interest. Many investors do not seem to ...