All Hedge Funds articles – Page 11

  • Special Report

    The greening of hedge funds

    November 2007 (Magazine)

  • News

    Hedge funds and private equity 'have positive impact'


    [13:30 CET 02-11] NETHERLANDS - The effect of private equity investors and hedge funds on the Dutch economy and companies are modestly positive on average, researchers from Erasmus University have claimed.

  • News

    E.ON pension scheme moves into hedge funds


    [14:00 CEST 07-09] GERMANY – A €5.4bn pension fund for German energy giant E.ON has begun making its first investment in hedge funds, employing both single and fund-of-fund vehicles, market sources have told IPE.

  • News

    Hedge funds are good for governance - OECD


    [13:30 CEST 20-08] GLOBAL – Activist hedge fund and private equity strategies can improve companies' corporate governance under certain circumstances, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has found.

  • News

    Blue Sky rethinks hedge funds stance


    [16:30 CEST 17-08] NETHERLANDS – Blue Sky Group, manager of the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines' corporate pension fund, has said it is considering so called hedge fund replication strategies for its investments.

  • News

    Hedge funds eye Dutch investment vehicle - adviser


    [15:30 CEST 01-08] NETHERLANDS - A “considerable” number of hedge funds and other investment funds mare considering a move to the Netherlands, in order to benefit from the new tax-free investment vehicle VBI, suggest industry experts.

  • News

    IPE Quest: Swiss fund seeks fund of hedge funds


    [14:15 CEST 30-07] SWITZERLAND – A Swiss pension fund is tendering a $400m (€293m) long-short-equity fund of hedge funds mandate, using IPE-Quest.

  • News

    Solvency II "could threaten hedge funds"


    [17:03 CEST 27-07] EUROPE - Institutional investments in hedge funds and other alternatives assets classes could come under threat by the Solvency II directive, French business school, Edhec, has claimed.

  • News

    Leicestershire chooses hedge funds manager


    [11:00 CEST 23/05] UK – The £1.9bn (€2.8bn) Leicestershire County Council pension fund found a manager for a £105m targeted return mandate.

  • Features

    Asian hedge funds - from youth to maturity

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    After a period working in North America, Paul Smith assesses the challenges of building a substantial asset management business in Asia

  • Features

    Hedge funds: the way to play emerging markets

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    Peter Douglas believes hedge funds offer a route to better returns and effective risk management in developing markets

  • News

    Institutions tame hedge funds – State Street


    GLOBAL – Institutional investors are changing the world of hedge fund and increased disclosure might eventually lead to a decrease in outperformance, State Street has said.

  • News

    £9.4bn Strathclyde to reconsider hedge funds and commodities


    UK – Strathclyde, the £9.4bn (€13.84bn) local authority fund administered by Glasgow City Council, will consider investing in hedge funds and commodities when the next investment review comes up in 2009.

  • News

    Dutch unions take on hedge funds via pension schemes


    NETHERLANDS - ‘Union-unfriendly’ companies might face Dutch unions using pension funds investment policy as a weapon to force a change of tack, warned union umbrella grouping FNV.

  • News

    Heijman quits Fortis to major on hedge funds in London


    NETHERLANDS – Clayton Heijman, global head for Fortis Bank’s alternative investors and investment banks in the merchant banking division, is leaving the bank after nine years to pursue his interests in hedge funds.

  • News

    ABP and Robeco support Stork as hedge funds win case


    NETHERLANDS - The institutional investors Robeco and the €201bn civil service pension fund ABP have voiced support for the temporary protection of industrial conglomerate Stork against Anglo-Saxon hedge funds Paulson and Centaurus.

  • News

    Robeco names fund-of-hedge funds CEO


    GLOBAL – Robeco, the asset management arm of Rabobank, has named Michael Abbott as chief executive of its fund of hedge funds group Robeco-Sage Capital.

  • News

    Row over PMT’s involvement in hedge funds


    NETHERLANDS – Dutch trade union FNV is demanding that PMT, the €30bn Dutch pension scheme for metalworking and mechanical engineering, withdraw its investments from Paulson, the activist hedge fund.

  • News

    McCreevy slams “myth” of unregulated hedge funds


    EUROPE – Charlie McCreevy, the European Commission’s Internal Markets Commissioner, has attacked what he says is the myth that hedge funds are not regulated.

  • News

    Accountants urge trustee caution with hedge funds


    UK – The head of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales has advised pension fund trustees to “proceed with caution” when it comes to investing in hedge funds.