GLOBAL - There are 15 new searches from a variety of different institutions - worth up to a combined $2.2bn (€1.6bn) of assets - currently on the IPE-Quest system.
Quest Asset Class Region Size
734 Equity Mid-Cap Pan-Europe $20m
739 Real Estate Pan-Europe $40m
745 Equity Large-Cap Pan-Europe $250m
765 Portable Alpha N/A $100m
766 Equity Latin America $100m
767 Equity South East Asia $100m
770 Equities Small-Cap Pan-Europe $250m
768 Large-Cap Equities USA $250m
769 Small-Cap Equities USA $250m
771 Equities - Large Japan $250m
772 Equities - Small Cap Japan $250m
747 Debt - Corporate USA $50-100m
748 Debt - High Yield USA $50-100m
749 Debt - ABS USA $50-100m
750 Debt - MBS USA $50-100m
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