EUROPE - A continental European multi-management firm has tendered $100m (€76.4m) in enhanced global equities via IPE-Quest.

The search (QN682) says it is searching for a total risk target over three years rolling which is less than the total risk of the MSCI World (e.g. 0.85 times the total risk of the MSCI World) but the specific level of risk is open to discussion.

Min. AUM for mandate : None
Min. AUM for firm : None
TE guidelines (Min Te) : none
TE guidelines (Max Te) : none
Absolute Min Track Record : none
Preferred Min Track Record : none
State Performance To : 30/09/2006
Performance Data should be supplied : Gross of Fees

Additional Information :

Other specifications are:
 - maximize total return for the given risk target
 - universe not constrained to MSCI World
 - currency hedged completely or partially into US Dollar
 - mandate initially >100 Mio USD
 - ideally invest before end of first quarter 2007
 - monthly in and outflows must be possible
 - ability to liquidate in 2-3 months in a worst-case scenario is required

The closing date is January 9 2007
