All JØP articles
DB to DC switching triggers more non-pension equity investing too, CBS professor finds
‘By shaping their members’ understanding of capital markets, pension funds can contribute to deeper markets,’ says Jesper Rangvid
P+ CIO bullish as post-merger Danish PF hits assets milestone
Pension fund gets access to more attractive investment opportunities as its assets grow, says Kåre Hahn Michelsen
Climate activist wins seat on Danish pension fund board
Chair of P+ says pension fund must strive to balance membership’s different attitudes
Danish watchdog calls out pension fund P+ for illiquid credit failures
FSA found lack of limits could have allowed fund to hold too much in the asset type
Denmark’s merged P+ agrees market-rate switch at first AGM
AGM approval is ‘first step towards more freedom of choice on investment side’, says fund
Denmark’s newly-merged P+ adds CFO role as regulations swell
Mads Stougaard promoted from finance manager after ‘tireless efforts’
€16bn Danish pension fund created as JØP/DIP full merger confirmed
DIP savers back JØP merger at fund’s AGM – both funds’ members have now voted in favour
Denmark's JØP gets member backing for merger with DIP
2,371 members voted in favour and just 46 against merger at AGM
Danish pension chief warns on cost of rejecting JØP/DIP merger
Members of two Danish labour market pension funds to vote on Wednesday on merger
Danish pension funds set greener investment goals
PenSam pledges 10% green investments; Lærernes Pension blacklists coal and oil firms
Sampension completes office sale to JØP/DIP
JØP/DIP partnership seeks to increase property portfolio by 50% in next few years
Danish investors back DKK5bn sustainable development fund
ATP, PFA and four other funds plough DKK400m apiece into state-sponsored SDG fund
Danish engineers’ pension funds agree to pool contributions
ISP says DIP/JØP merger must show benefits before link-up progresses
Nordic roundup: Norway SWF, Dakota pipeline, DNB, JØP/DIP, PBU
Council on Ethics to meet with indigenous people affected by controversial pipeline
Denmark’s DIP and ISP in talks to form €6.9bn engineers’ pension fund
Professional association rues 20-year delay on implementing merger
Nordic roundup: Norwegian civil service pension reform, JØP/DIP, AP Pension
‘Winners and losers’ from Norwegian reform, while Danish pensions report returns
Denmark’s JØP, DIP to seek full merger in 2-3 years
Lawyers’ and economists’ fund and engineers’ fund to extend current cooperation, says CEO
Danish roundup: LD, JØP, DIP, PenSam, Lærernes
Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond makes 2% total return on LD Vælger
Denmark to ease Solvency II reporting burden for smaller schemes
F&P hopes decree will be ‘huge difference’ for small pension funds
Denmark's Lægernes rejects deeper investment link with JØP, DIP
Analysis shows processes ‘too different’ for full investment merger to work