All articles by Jan Wagner – Page 7
Germany’s BVV to put €1bn in alternatives
GERMANY – BVV, the €18bn pension fund for Germany’s financial industry, says it has earmarked €1bn this year for new investments in several asset classes, notably private equity and hedge funds.
Hannover scheme seeks investment head
GERMANY – Hannoversche Kassen (HK), a €113m multi-employer pension fund in the state of Lower Saxony, is seeking a new team leader for its investments department.
Swiss government mulls new governance standards
SWITZERLAND – The government is planning a host of measures aimed at improving corporate governance at local pension funds in the aftermath of the Swissfirst affair.
Universal chief confirms resignation
GERMANY – Bernd Wagner, managing director of Universal-Investment, a leading German institutional fund administrator, has confirmed to IPE that he will resign at the end of March.
Consultants reject information probe
A recent transparency initiative from the German fund manager association has met with a luke-warm response from consultants. Jan Wagner explains why
Liabilities rise as equities and bond yields drop
EUROPE – Pension funds are facing a two-way hit as the current market correction co-incides with a fall in bond yields. But this is only a short-term problem, say pension funds.
German Pensionskassen stay steady with bonds
GERMANY – Pensionskassen, or insurance-type German pension funds, continue to invest heavily in bonds while keeping exposure to equities well below that of their Swiss and Austrian peers, a new survey by international accountant Ernst & Young reflects.
Buck Heissmann snaps up French consultancy
FRANCE – Consultant Buck Heissmann has further strengthened its presence in France by acquiring MODAC, a French actuarial and benefits consulting firm. Financial details were not disclosed.
Equity and real estate drive Swiss returns to 6.9%
SWITZERLAND – Swiss pension fund lobby ASIP says its members finished 2006 with an average return of 6.9% – slightly higher than a previously reported 6.6% for the Credit Suisse Pension Fund (CSPF) index.
Zurich civil servants enjoy 7.3% return
SWITZERLAND – BVK, the CHF21bn (€12.9bn) canton of Zurich pension fund, says it finished 2006 with an above-average return and fully-funded status.
Emmental scheme asked to plug CHF700,000 hole
SWITZERLAND – The pension fund for RSE, a small medical firm in Emmental, has been hit by a CHF700,000 (€430,000) funding loss caused by the actions of a former director.
Ethos plans Novartis revolt
SWITZERLAND – Socially-responsible manager Ethos says it will oppose the re-election of a senior official at the Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Novartis during the firm’s annual shareholder meeting on March 6.
UBS to exit Baer stake – reports
SWITZERLAND – Banking giant UBS is reportedly planning to divest its 20.7% stake in Swiss private bank Julius Baer nearly two years after acquiring it.
Swiss Transparenta boosts assets by 39%
SWITZERLAND – Transparenta, a multi-employer pension scheme, has reported significant gains in assets and in the number of people it insures for 2006 while finishing the year with a net return of 5.3%.
LV 1871 hires Großmann for Liechtenstein
GERMANY – Life insurer LV 1871 has named Martin Großmann, the former head of Chemie Pensionsfonds, as one of two managing directors for its new corporate pension fund in Liechtenstein.
Volksfürsorge reports growth on pensions front
GERMANY – Volksfürsorge, a German insurer, says it took in almost €100m in new contributions from its corporate pension schemes in Germany last year.
Ex-labour minister attacks pension funds
GERMANY – Former labour minister Nobert Blüm has attacked international pension funds for their greed and defended his statement that Germany’s state pension is secure.
Saint Gobain transfers German pension liabilities
GERMANY – French industrial firm Saint Gobain has outsourced €518m in German pension liabilities to Deutscher Pensionsfonds AG (DPAG), an equity-oriented pension fund launched by Deutsche Asset Management (DeAM) and the Swiss insurer Zurich.
G7 go for hedge fund vigilance rather than more regulation
GLOBAL – Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-7 industrial nations decided against any further regulation of hedge funds but said they would remain “vigilant” in scrutinising the risks funds presented.
Hessen MPs refuse to save for own retirement
GERMANY – A majority of MPs in the parliament for the state of Hessen have reportedly rejected a plan under which they would be forced to save for retirement instead of automatically receiving a state pension.