All IPE articles in January 2016 (Magazine) – Page 3

  • Features

    Focus Group: Time to get active?

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    Almost half of the investors polled in this month’s Focus Group, 12 out of a total of 25, state that active equity management within their investment strategy has increased over the past decade

  • Features

    Pensions Accounting: Spot the discount rate

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    When the US telecoms giant AT&T announced last year that it planned to discount the interest component of its defined-benefit (DB) pension liability using a spot rate, it unleashed a storm of interest among US listed companies. At a stroke, companies stand to wipe billions of dollars off their pension provision costs. 

  • Features

    From Our Perspective: COP21 - what next?

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    The momentum and excitement in Paris last month at the COP21 UN Conference on Climate Change marks a turning point in the perception of climate change as an economic risk, reinforcing a growing mainstream consensus that institutional investors need to do two things.