Liability-Driven Investing
In-depth reporting on Liability-Driven Investing strategies for our pension fund and asset management readers from IPE’s award-winning journalists.
BoE launches repo facility to help tackle severe Gilt market dysfunction
The CNRF will lend to participating insurance companies, pension schemes and LDI funds to help maintain financial stability
UK investment industry rules out LDI Crisis 2.0 as bond yields soar
UK 10-year Gilt yield rose to 4.93% today following increased borrowing costs from government
Dutch DC frontrunners reform their interest rate hedges
In DC, pension funds will only hedge interest rate risk for older participants
Pension funds should not be treated as NBFIs, PensionsEurope tells EC
Industry association responds to consultation that will inform policy planning in the Commission’s new political mandate
How pension funds manage derivatives and liquidity needs
The use of derivatives, for hedging and other purposes, is common among pension funds, but it can be a drain on liquidity. We asked three pension funds how they ensure adequate levels of liquidity when interest rates are volatile
TPT Investment Management launches LDI solution for DB schemes
Solution is designed to enable schemes to implement robust long-term funding strategies focused on their endgame objectives
Can UK DC pension schemes plug the venture capital funding gap?
Europe is becoming an exciting place for tech start-ups, but they are receiving little support from European pension funds, which have eschewed venture capital since the bursting of the dotcom bubble in the late 1990s.
Ireland’s Pensions Authority launches trustee guidance on liquidity risk
The Authority’s guide highlights LDI, leveraged LDI, sale and repurchase agreements, swaps, currency hedging and inflation hedging as strategies to look out for
CBI, CSSF finalise yield buffer rules for sterling LDI funds
Measures complement guidance issued by UK regulators in wake of UK LDI crisis
Country Report
Mercer’s upbeat vision for UK pension funds and their investment advisers
James Lewis, UK CIO at Mercer, is optimistic about the future of the UK’s DB and DC industries
Enpam shifts to macro portfolio strategies in new LDI approach
Italy’s largest pension scheme is splitting its assets into two macro portfolios
Grant Thornton Pensions Fund appoints Cardano as fiduciary manager
Cardano will provide services including investment advice, investment management, and risk management for the £250m scheme
Special Report
Manager selection: Solving the pension liquidity puzzle
Advisers and fiduciary managers are working as hard as ever to meet the liquidity needs of pension funds
Ahold Delhaize pension fund on climate transition and system change
Eric Huizing, chief investment officer at Ahold Delhaize Pensioen, explains to Tjibbe Hoekstra how the pension fund is progressing not only with its climate-focused investments but also the change in the Dutch pension system
Opinion Pieces
Cambridge and Westminster: a tale of two pension schemes
The Houses of Parliament and Cambridge University are two venerable British institutions. But the differences in how they run their pension arrangements illustrate the contrast between the UK-style pooled liability-driven investment (LDI) and a more traditional form of pension investing, no longer as popular in the UK but still common elsewhere.
Britain’s LDI crisis: When things nearly fell apart
On 23 September 2022, Kwasi Kwarteng, the then UK chancellor of the exchequer, announced a £45bn (€52bn) package of tax cuts. The hand-outs, designed to please key voters, were the wrong gift at the wrong time. For several years, the Bank of England had been attempting to end quantitative easing and start putting a higher price on borrowing.
EIOPA says national supervisors need more data on liquidity risks
European pension funds, insurers holding up well despite higher stability risks, says latest risk report from EU pension and insurance watchdog
UK’s pensions regulator to gather feedback on LDI guidance
The Regulator placed ‘huge emphasis’ on operational processes
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Differentiation – the future of professional pension trusteeship
When purchasing professional services, choice is good. Differentiated choice is even better.
Italy roundup: Enpam plans to build up global bond portfolio
Plus: Write downs hit Enasarco; Laborfonds sees sign of return to normality