All articles by Luigi Serenelli – Page 7
Germany’s third pillar pension reform is no ‘game changer’, critics say
Savers continue to struggle to choose retirement provision products, says BdV
Swiss supervisor reworks definition of improved benefits
Two-thirds of average returns above market interest rate are available to amass fluctuation reserves, and one-third is used for interest rates on pension savings, says OAK BV
Ethos rates Swiss listed companies’ sustainability reports as ‘poor’
Companies are bound to fail to design credible and ambitious environmental and climate strategies to meet climate targets, says foundation
SNB Bills emerge as new tool for Swiss schemes’ liquidity management
SNB Bills can play an important role in negotiations with banks on interest rates, says PPCmetrics’ Lukas Riesen
Bonus Pensionskasse takes over fair-finance provident fund
Bonus will integrate fair-finance in the provident fund Bonus Vorsorgegasse
Italian pension funds ask for tax concessions to invest in real economy
It is necessary to simplify legislation to effectively enforce and reap the benefits of tax exemptions, says Assofondipensione’s Giovanni Maggi
Scheme for Italian lawyers to switch to defined contribution
The first pillar scheme will apply a ‘mixed system’ to calculate the pension benefits of current members
Intesa Sanpaolo, Cariplo pension funds merge to create €12bn scheme
The integration will take place through a ‘collective transfer’ of members and accrued savings
Austrian schemes’ exposure to capital markets leads to 4% returns in H1
Austrian occupational pension funds have increased their exposure to equities and bonds since 2023 with a geographical focus on the US and Europe
BaFin considers investment circular review for Pensionskassen
A step that would facilitate the implementation of Germany’s second pillar pension system proposed reform, according to occupational pension funds association Aba
Italy plans €1bn FoFs launch for small-cap domestic investments
The Fondo Nazionale Strategico Indiretto (FNSI), a closed-ended fund of funds (FoFs), will be managed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)
What’s next for Austria on pensions policy
‘A reform of the pension system and a rapid expansion of company pension schemes is essential for the economy,’ says Andreas Zakostelsky
Italy looks to boost pension funds’ membership on voluntary basis
Government is committed to ensuring an ‘active participation in the labour market, in line with demographic trends’
Italy’s plan to divert severance payments to pension funds stirs up concerns
It is essential to understand the impact of the measure because a mandatory option is being introduced in a system based on voluntary access, says Assofondipensione
Why pension buyout deals in Germany still struggle to take off
German companies are still reluctant to implement pension buyout projects, especially when it comes to large volumes of obligations, says PwC
Germany starts reform debate on first pillar pensions
Liberal party FDP is ‘prepared for tough negotiations’ in parliament over the pension reform
Fonchim tenders five mandates worth €2.71bn
The scheme is looking to issue mandates investing in equities and bonds
Aba opposes EU occupational pension products
Current proposals to use similar EU-wide pension products in company pension schemes ‘are out of place’, says Dirk Jargstorff
Swiss social democrats, unions lay out vision to change second pillar pension system
Measures to close pension gaps, especially for women, are expected
Swiss scheme ups retirement age in new pension plan
The retirement age goes up from 63 years old in the current plan, to 65 years old in the new plan