German MEP Wilfried Kuckelkorn has recommended that Member States set up a committee consisting of representatives of all countries to facilitate information exchanges on pensions by national legislators.
Kuckelkorn, the rapporteur on the pensions directive for the European socialist group, says the committee, to be in place by January 1, 2003, would inform all the competent authorities over relevant labour and social law provisions, as well as provide the respective characteristics of the retirement pension schemes in each country.
The proposal comes ahead of Monday’s meeting of the European Monetary Affairs Committee, when amendments to the Karas report on the European pensions directive will be considered.
Kuckelkorn says detailed provisions for such a committee should be laid down in a protocol adopted by the member states no later than December 31 this year.
Explaining his proposed amendment, Kuckelkorn notes: “ The procedure proposed by the Commission for the cross-border activity of institutions for occupational retirement provision is unsatisfactory for two reasons; first, it is not clear how the procedure is to operate from a purely practical point of view, and secondly compliance with the social and labour law provisions of the host Member State is not ensured.”
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