EUROPE - The European Commission's proposed directive on pensions portability is to be discussed by the European Parliamentary Pensions Forum at a meeting in Brussels tomorrow.

Around 70 interested participants have signed up for the exchange of views, including the European Parliamentary 'rapporteurs' Astrid Lulling, Eoin Ryan and Ria Oomen-Ruijten.

Other speakers include Austrian MEP Othmar Karas, the Commission's Raymond Maes, Watson Wyatt's Mark Dowsey, the EFRP's Chris Verhaegen, John Bowman of the CEA, Henri Lourdelle of ETUC and Steven D'Haeseleer of UNICE.

There will be a panel discussion mediated by's Daniel Brooksbank.

"The European Parliamentary Pension Forum (EPPF) would like to invite you to its plenary event on the hot issue of pension portability," the invite states. "EPPF aims to bring all views together and facilitate another debate that concentrates on the core issues at stake."

The event will focus on the most controversial elements in the draft directive on 'Improving the portability of supplementary pension rights'.
The event is taking place at the NCI Business Center in rue Wiertz.