Michael Brett
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Winning hearts and minds for property indexes
Swedish insurance group SPP recently called a meeting of property analysts from domestic brokerage firms. The idea was to sound out interest in the development in Sweden of commercial real estate indexes, which has been under discussion with the UK’s Investment Property Databank (IPD) for some time. IPD pioneered the ...
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Foreign investors eye UK property
In preparing its window display to attract cross-frontier investment flows, the one thing the UK real estate industry has lacked in recent years is evidence of growth. The development of property derivatives and other types of financial engineering in property could never prove a total substitute for this essential element.Now ...
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Laying the first bricks in indexing
Compared with the stock markets, that other great investment market - the real estate market - has been badly served in most European countries.
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Drive to devise packages for funds
British investment banks and real estate agencies are using all their ingenuity to design property packages that appeal to pension fund tastes.