All articles by Miranda Schoutsen – Page 2

  • News

    50 pension funds miss DNB deadline


    [16:45 CEST 07-04] NETHERLANDS - Almost 50 Dutch pension funds with a funding shortage have yet to submit a recovery plan, a spokesman for De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) has confirmed.

  • News

    ABP opts for rise in premiums and lower risks


    [15:45 CEST 31-03] NETHERLANDS - ABP will temporarily increase contributions by 1% as of July and by another 2% from 1 January 2010, in a bid to restore the underfunded civil servants’ pension scheme to its required regulatory funding level.

  • News

    PFZW bases recovery plan on 6.9% yield


    [16:45 CET 30-03] NETHERLANDS - Pensioenfonds Zorg & Welzijn (PfZW), the Dutch industry-wide pension fund, is pinning its hopes on achieving a yield of 6.9% alongside with a long-term interest rate of 3.6%, as the basis for its recovery plan presented to the financial regulator.

  • News

    Dutch funds given go-ahead to merge


    [30-03 CEST 13:00] NETHERLANDS - Dutch company pension funds will be allowed to merge their activities into a multi-company scheme as the cabinet has backed a proposal by social affairs minister Piet Hein Donner to amend the current Pension Act accordingly.

  • News

    DNB’s own pension fund must submit recovery plan


    [16:00 CET 23-03] NETHERLANDS - The financial buffers of the Dutch financial regulator’s own pension fund have dropped below the minimum level set by the regulator.

  • News

    Fully-reinsured pensions face trouble - DNB


    [17:00 CET 19-03] NETHERLANDS - Dozens of Dutch company pension funds who reinsured their assets and liabilities are now being challenged by market conditions and confronted with increased credit risks at their reinsurers, according to financial regulator DNB.

  • News

    Confidence in Dutch pensions is damaged - study


    [16:25 CET 12-03] NETHERLANDS - Dutch pension funds are faced with a substantial fall in confidence, concluded a survey by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, as the share of participants with confidence in pension funds has dropped from 64% to 44% percent over the last three years.

  • News

    Bos attacks shareholder role in financial crisis


    [15:00 CET 03-03] NETHERLANDS - “Shareholders did virtually nothing to prevent and manage the financial crisis”, Dutch finance minister Wouter Bos said this morning at a conference in Amsterdam.

  • News

    Smaller funds advised to claim tax refund


    [16:20 CET 26-02] NETHERLANDS – Dutch pension funds are being advised to safeguard their rights to the refund of dividend withholding tax in European countries, as recent cases in both the Netherlands and France suggest taxes claimed in contravention of EU rules may also have been taken by governments elsewhere.

  • News

    AFM prolongs short-selling ban after all


    [16:50 CET 25-02] NETHERLANDS - The Dutch financial regulator AFM has made a surprise and extended its measures on short-selling, despite its earlier proposal to lift them.

  • News

    Pension funds must decide on openness - Donner


    [14:30 CET 23-02] NETHERLANDS – The Dutch government has dismissed calls for more transparency of pensions fund investments and argued existing governance arrangements are strong enough.

  • News

    Pension fund managers back short-selling proposal


    [15:45 CET 20-02] NETHERLANDS – Large Dutch pension funds appear to be backing a proposal from the Dutch Financial Market Authority (AFM) to lift the ban on short-selling.

  • News

    Eumedion seeks end to short-selling bans


    [16:00 CET 10-02] EUROPE - Eumedion, the Nethelands-based corporate governance forum for institutional investors, has called on European governments and supervisors to lift the remaining short-selling bans.

  • The contrarian: deflation

    The contrarian: deflation

    June 2008 (Magazine)

    Inflationary fears are exaggerated according to veteran fixed income specialist Joop Bresser. He spoke to Miranda Schoutsen about his concerns over deflation