All mortality articles
CMI ignores mortality data for pandemic years
Continuous Mortality Investigation places no weight on the data for 2020 and 2021 in the core version of its 2023 Mortality Projections Model
Elevated mortality rates accelerate DB scheme shift towards de-risking
Mortality analysis from the start of the coronavirus pandemic until the end of 2022 showed that England and Wales had an excess mortality rate of 26% at the end of 2022
Historic low birth rate could make Italy’s pension reform efforts ineffective
The government intends to reform its tax system to cut the burden on companies employing women with children and large families
Schemes should stay on top of changing mortality rates
Current mortality rates ‘highlight the problems of matching investment strategies to liability cash flows’, says Mercer
Standardised mortality rates 3% lower in 2022
The CMI model found that mortality in 2020 to 2022 was significantly higher than before the coronavirus pandemic
Swedish PFs tell of COVID toll, rising interest rates, benefiting clients
Reduction in DB premiums due to rising interest rates in 2021 and good return on asset side, says Alecta’s head of product
Understanding COVID mortality effect ‘top of pension scheme agendas’
Consultancy weights effect of impact on life expectancy on endgame timings
Swedes get higher state pensions after COVID cuts life expectancy
Early statistical indications show life expectancy fell by around 1% in 2020, says pensions agency
Swiss schemes tend to transfer pension to partners in case of death
The BVG 2020 confirmed that retirees entitled to occupational pension benefits in Switzerland are living longer
COVID-19 mortality impact negligible for Dutch funding ratios
9.1% more deaths were recorded in the first six months of the year than could be expected based on the historical average
Deaths in Sweden’s over-90s rose 43% in April/May, Alecta reports
Despite market turbulence in the first half, solvency ratio never dipped below 140%, says pension fund
UK roundup: LCP on COVID-19’s direct, indirect liabilities hit
Plus: Pension risk transactions keep pace through lockdown; Healthcare group scheme strikes buy-in deal with Aviva
Post-COVID-19 study provides framework for mortality planning
Research has found that COVID-19 seems to increase each cohort’s short-term mortality risk by a common multiplicative factor
UK COVID-19 toll understated, but long-term factors crucial, say consultants
‘Periods of austerity can correlate with a slowdown in life expectancy improvements’
Pension liabilities set to rise as mortality falls in first half
Analysis from longevity experts at Club Vita indicates that longevity improvements could be on the rise again – which means DB scheme costs could increase
UK schemes set for 2.5% fall in liabilities after CMI model revamp
Life expectancy at age 65 is around five months lower for both males and females, CMI reports
Willis Towers Watson: Germany needs new approach to longevity data
German conference hears about statistical divergences in European longevity assumptions
Amended longevity tables may save providers up to 50bp in buffers
Slower increase in longevity after Heubeck fixes flaw
Longevity data was flawed, admits German consultancy
Revision expected later this month expected to lower longevity increase and with it buffer requirements
German longevity data adds €10bn to Direktzusage liabilities
First update since 2005 expected to increase liabilities by 1% for companies paying pensions direct from balance sheets