UK - Pension fund associates can now register their greatest worries with the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) in an online poll.

Ahead of its annual conference and exhibition in Manchester opening on Thursday, the NAPF has launched an online opinion poll to gather the views of occupational pension schemes, the investment industry, trustees, pension fund members, their representatives, and employers about developments in the pension market.

Topics to choose from the 10 key concerns cover the PPF, trustee knowledge, pension fund deficits, regulatory burden, longevity as well as the new personal accounts scheme.

"The world of pensions is changing faster than ever before. Government proposals for Personal Accounts will create seven  million new pension savers, with auto-enrolment increasing enrolment in existing workplace schemes," commented NAPF chief executive Joanne Segars.

"And before all that comes along in 2012, schemes and their sponsors face increased costs due to rising longevity and greater regulation."

The poll will be open for registration on over the next weeks a final closing date has not been fixed yet.