A pension fund based in Central Europe is using IPE Quest to search for an asset manager for a direct equity infrastructure mandate worth $100-150m (€85.22-127.8m).

According to the search QN-2711, the core value active strategy will focus on renewables and energy transition topics.

Participating managers will need to have at least $2.5bn in assets under management for this asset class, with a minimum of at least three years of absolute track record (four years is preferred).

The deadline to participate in this search has been set for 8 September 5pm UK time.

The IPE news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE Quest, Discovery, or Innovation tender notices to protect the interests of clients conducting the search. To obtain information directly from IPE Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on +44 (0) 20 3465 9330 or email jayna.vishram@ipe-quest.com.

Scheme for Bristol Uni searches for sole trustee

The University of Bristol Pension and Assurance Scheme is seeking to appoint a sole corporate trustee provider to add value to its governance and its objectives, a notice announced.

According to the document. the sole corporate trustee provider must: “protect members’ interests, safeguard and strategically manage the investment of scheme assets (with the fiduciary manager), monitor, manage, mitigate or eliminate risks and ensure the short, medium and longer-term funding needs of the scheme are met”.

Beyond this, the trustee should also take initiative by developing and implementing a strategy that seeks to deliver the scheme’s long-term funding objective, it added.

The initial contract period will be for six years which may be extended to a maximum total period of 12 years.

The closing date for applications is 23 August, with 1 March 2022 as the contract starting date.

UK local authority scheme seeks adviser

The Oxfordshire Local Government Pension Fund is looking for an adviser to play a key role in supporting the pension fund committee in delivering its responsibilities in managing the investment of the fund’s assets.

The fund currently has investments of just under £3bn (€3.5bn) and is looking for an adviser that can provide advice on its investment strategy, the strategic asset allocation and the performance of the portfolios in delivering against the aims of the strategy, a notice disclosed.

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