A Swiss pension fund is looking to appoint a global infrastructure manager, using IPE Quest.

The unnamed Swiss fund behind search QN-2174 said it was looking to allocate CHF2m (€1.8m) to a pooled infrastructure fund.

The unlisted vehicle should be diversified by sector and country, the investor added.

The global core strategy should be actively managed, aiming to outperform LIBOR by 4 percentage points each year.

Managers should have a track record of at least one year (preferably five years) for any proposed fund.

The pension fund, however, will not be setting a minimum size for current assets under management.

Interested parties have until 29 April to register their interest, stating their net-of-fees performance to the end of April. 

The IPE news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE Quest tender notices to protect the interests of clients conducting the search. To obtain information directly from IPE Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on +44 (0) 20 3465 9330 or email jayna.vishram@ipe-quest.com.