US/UK – Standard Life Investments is opening a fund management office in Boston, its first presence in the US market.
The office will increase Standard Life’s research and fund management capabilities and operate in tandem with the firm’s Montreal office.
Both sets of managers will report to Norman Raschkowan, head of North American equities.

“ The US based team will enhance our investment capabilities by increasing the coverage and analysis of those US stocks where there is most value added on a global basis. Their research will also improve our understanding of stocks and price movements outside the US,” says Raschkowan.

The integration of the investment house’s US fund managers to its global investment process is part of the company’s expansion plan.
Keith Skeoch, chief investment officer at Standard Life, comments:
“ This is a major commitment and underscores Standard Life Investments’ ongoing globalisation process, which has already seen the opening in January of a Hong Kong office and the appointment of Lance Phillips as global head of stock selection.

Standard Life Investments has around £76bn (e124) of assets under management.
