All Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) articles – Page 3
NBIM extends long-running Niger Delta engagement with Shell, Eni
Norwegian SWF says ‘still a forward-looking risk of norm violation’ by the oil companies
Norwegian, Swedish professors stick with advice on adding private equity to GPFG
Døskeland and Strömberg say NBIM’s preferred implementation is very similar to their advice
With €620m losses, Alecta wins race to lead First Republic Bank class action
Amid woes, Swedish occupational pensions giant hails its active role in process to recover lost money
NBIM chose ‘driver’s seat’ for SVB class action, but no bids for other US leads
Norway’s SWF manager spells out its three main reasons for seeking lead plaintiff role in Silicon Valley Bank legal action
NBIM to lead class action for first time, joining AP7 against SVB
AP7 reveals it is also leading class action in US against failed Signature Bank
Norway’s SWF sets out plan to become $40-70bn private equity investor
Tangen says now is very good time to start building private equity portfolio, with discounts available in secondary market
Nigerians tell NBIM its information on Shell-linked damage is one-sided
NBIM says now in the process of evaluating progress towards its engagement objectives and next steps
Academic slams NBIM CEO backing of BlackRock gender research
London Business School professor accuses NBIM leader of spreading misinformation with social media post about ‘seriously flawed’ BlackRock gender diversity report
NBIM’s active management limits SWF’s portfolio-wide Q3 loss
Value of Norwegian GPFG falls back on negative investment returns and falling krone
NBIM weighs best use of new TNFD framework in ownership, portfolio work
UK call for government to make TNFD compulsory; UKSIF says ISSB should introduce disclosure standards for biodiversity, drawing on taskforce’s framework
Norway’s SWF steps up climate demands from companies
NBIM says firms need to move on from disclosures and target-setting to execution phase
NBIM finds venture, growth PE funds have returned less than listed shares
As Norwegian government weighs allowing SWF to add unlisted equity to portfolio mix, fund’s manager publishes analysis of private equity
Norway’s SWF axes Shanghai office
NBIM says decision to close only Chinese branch doesn’t affect its investment strategy or China assets
NBIM posits spending rule change to avert risk of SWF depletion
Norway’s oil fund manager outlines a potential new model for the rule guiding how much the of the fund the government may use
Norway’s GPFG gains 10% in first half, but misses benchmark
Wide losses for sovereign wealth fund’s unlisted real estate and infrastructure
Norway’s SWF criticises Japan’s new M&A guidelines
NBIM says “unclear” rules around corporate valuations could let boards reject takeover bids without challenge
NBIM asks for change to European green reporting standards on materiality
As European Commission’s consultation on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards closes, Norway’s SWF manager says companies should be made to say why topics are not material
Norway’s SWF bans PowerChina on threat to orangutans
NBIM follows advice of GPFG’s Council of Ethics, banning PowerChina and putting UK-listed Petrofac under observation
NBIM warns FCA reforms could harm UK’s corporate governance reputation
Norwegian SWF manager says UK watchdog’s proposals could result in weaker investor protection
NBIM wins bitter employment case, despite judge’s criticism
Former trading analytics chief Elisabeth Bull Daae given fortnight to pay Norwegian SWF’s NOK1.9m (€165,000) costs