DENMARK - Denmark's national pensions database PensionsInfo says PFA and other providers have now come on board, bringing it closer to its goal of giving individuals a complete picture of their pension provision.
PFA Pension, which manages DKK213bn (€28.54bn) in assets, and a large number of savings banks have now started delivering information to the PensionsInfo website, the organization said.
With these new additions, 173 of a total of 198 pension providers are now part of the web-based service which started in May 2007. Ten of the remaining 25 providers have said they will start giving their data to the site in the course of the first quarter 2008, according to PensionsInfo.
"We are getting closer to having the support of all pension providers, even before the website has been running for a year," said Leif Kvistgaard, project leader at PensionsInfo. "In this way Danes can be the first in the world to get a unified overview of all their various pensions and cover in one place," he added.
The independent internet service gives people an overall summary of their pension provision by presenting individual pension data from different sources in a single table.
If you have any comments you would like to add to this or any other story, contact Julie Henderson on + 44 (0)20 7261 4602 or email
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