All pooling articles
26 UK councils call on chancellor to remove ‘principal advice’ on asset allocation
Chancellor Rachel Reeves proposes that LGPS pools replace role provided by investment consultants and independent advisers in providing investment strategy advice
LPPI says replicating ‘Canadian model’ could unlock £16bn for infrastructure
Based on whichever numbers, there is potential for significant additional infrastructure investment ‘hopefully with most of it’ in the UK, says former LGPS Central CEO
Brunel Pension Partnership to move away from ‘pure cost-savings focus’
The pool is making cost savings of £41m per year
Industry sees continuity in Labour Party pension plans
Some ‘slightly interventionist’ changes include strengthening TPR powers in relation to DC consolidation
Local Pensions Partnership Investments delivers £153.2m in savings since launch
The pool is on track to deliver £200m in savings by 2025
ACCESS Pool delivers £98.9m in savings for its members
Last year alone the Pool delivered savings of £28.6m for members
Pension industry warns of unintended consequences of LGPS pooling proposal
Isio suggests pools should be reformed before pooling mandate is enforced
LGPS Central seeks active global equity manager
The new manager will be funded in mid 2023 with a total value up to £750m
LPPI ceo calls on LGPS to accelerate asset pooling
The pool revised projections and is now expecting to deliver net cost savings of more than £200m by 2025, more than £350m by 2030 and more than £500m by 2035
UK looks to accelerate local authority asset pooling project
Ministers are reportedly growing impatient with progress on pooling the assets of the LGPS
LGPS pushes for reporting consistency as pooling increases
Pooled vehicles now account for two thirds of local authority pension assets, according to the scheme’s latest annual report
Country Report
UK: Behind the pooling figures for local government pensions
Comparing the cost savings of the eight local government pension scheme pools is a complex exercise
Country Report
Country Report – Pensions in the UK (May 2022)
The 80-plus local government pension funds in England and Wales have been on course to consolidate into eight asset pools for the last six years, with a target of €1-2bn in cost savings by 2033.
Investment pool duo launches new funds claiming £4.6bn in LGPS assets
Border to Coast launches £1.4bn listed alternatives fund, while ACCESS adds £3.2bn to the LGPS pool
LPP LGPS pool claims £74m saved for clients since launch
And forecasts £468m in cost savings by 2035
London CIV hires for new role of public markets head
The new position will focus on investments across listed equities, fixed income, and multi-asset funds
Asset pooling can deliver additional value to LGPS funds – study
Governance is critical to any well-run pension scheme
LGPS Central names managers for multi-asset credit fund
Each manager to get half of total £660m mandate
Border to Coast hires real estate chief ahead of fund launches
Public pension pool’s property offering likely to comprise two vehicles
Wales Pension Partnership launches fixed income platform
Russell Investments to manage all but the UK credit sub-fund