Get ready for the arrival of “The Red Book” - ‘International Pension Funds and their Advisers’.
This will be the most comprehensive directory of pensions funds, consultants, asset managers and other players in the European and global pensions markets, providing information for over 30 countries.
The Red Book will be a sister publication to ‘The Blue Book’- ‘UK Pension Funds and their Advisers’, which has been the premier directory of the UK pensions industry for over 20 years.
The new directory will be published in early 2000 by Aspire, a joint venture between IPE and AP Information Services who have produced the Blue Book since 1977.
The Red Book will also be available on CD and through the Internet, providing access to the information electronically: “This is the first time this data will have been brought together in a single source,” says Alan Philipp, joint MD of Aspire.
More details will be made available about this exciting publishing venture in the coming months. For immediate information, please e-mail