All articles by Richard Newell

  • News

    IPE launches Investment & Pensions China news service


    Site provides original stories by team in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, as well as access to China-relevant stories in IPE’s English-language publications.

  • News

    Shareholder rights still lacking in China - report


    [16:30 CEST 02-04] CHINA - China’s emergence as an investment destination for foreign investors has coincided with a boom in the country’s domestic equity markets, but with the ‘A’ shares market now 40% off its peak level, questions are being raised about transparency of reporting and lack of protection for ...

  • Special Report

    UniSuper develops new risk budgeting

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    Richard Newell talks to David St John, chief investment officer of UniSuper, about hedge fund transparency and the fund's plan for a new SRI option

  • Features

    Positioning your super fund for the future

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    The head of one of Australia’s biggest investors has some advice for super fund managers who struggle to balance the books. Richard Newell listens to his words of wisdom

  • Features

    Super market waits for boost from Rudd

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    Australia’s new prime minister, Kevin Rudd, is backing the country’s bid to become an Asian funds hub. Richard Newell explains how tax reforms can make that bid more competitive

  • Features

    Leaders tackle 'investment xenophobia'

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    As sovereign wealth funds extend their activities into global markets, to what extent should they be treated with suspicion and, as is the case in parts of Asia, actively discouraged? Richard Newell reports

  • Special Report

    Enigmatic as ever

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    Japanese companies are rightly praised for their stance on many responsible investment issues. But there remain some deep-seated structural problems. Richard Newell reports

  • Features

    Asset growth comes under global spotlight

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    The influx of new foreign fund managers to Australia is a reflection of the maturing of the superannuation funds market. Richard Newell reports

  • Features

    The challenge to deliver China exposure

    October 2007 (Magazine)

    Recent studies suggest Chinese hedge funds are becoming more like their counterparts elsewhere. Richard Newell reports

  • Special Report

    Real diversity in sustainable investing debate

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Richard Newell reports from the Triple Bottom Line Investing conference in Bangkok

  • Features

    Malaysia expects Islamic finance sector to grow

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Richard Newell reports on the success of a range of products that respect the beliefs of Muslim investors and have made the country a centre of innovation in Islamic finance

  • Features

    A measured approach to risk management

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Richard Newell talks to Dr Sung Cheng Chih, a director at the Governemnt of Singapore Investment Corporation, about its approach to risk management

  • Features

    Smoothing out the future

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Fund sponsors and trustees in Asia are looking to exercise greater control over risk and return in their portfolios. IPA has been talking to investors and the asset management community about the challenge of finding practical and cost-effective solutions. In this section looking at the broad concept of risk management, Richard Newell considers some of the solutions being put forward

  • Features

    How travel broadens the returns

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Global bond managers are favouring Asian markets on the back of the region’s economic renaissance. Richard Newell looks at the strategy followed by Franklin Templeton’s fixed income team

  • Features

    Treading with caution in the global market

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    Richard Newell talks to the management of New Zealand’s investment fund about the challenges of being a global investor

  • Features

    Take the 'A' train

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    While foreign investors seek out new ways to capture their share of China’s growth phenomenon, the A shares market still offers one of the key entry points to mainland exposure

  • Features

    Stronger than before

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    China’s resurgence will not be halted by periodic market corrections. Richard Newell asks China fund managers for their appraisal of the growth to come

  • Features

    Asian exponentials

    February 2007 (Magazine)

    The Asian REIT market has grown spectacularly, and demand for the new China REITs looks set to soar. Richard Newell reports