Stephen Lalor
- Country Report
Ireland: Short private pensions reprieve
Stephen Lalor and Amanda James on radical changes to public and private sector pensions
- Features
Government top-ups are the way
Stephen Lalor and Kirstie Flynn advocate replacing pensions tax relief with a system of state sponsored top-ups
- Features
Time for Ireland to take steps to avoid a future pension shock
Recent statistics suggest that Ireland is less immediately threatened by the demographic time bomb than some larger economies. A younger population means our dependency ratios will not go critical until years after many of our European partners. In the words of the proverbial Irish optimist: “it could be worse”. But ...
- Features
The end of pension schemes?
The Irish regulatory authority, the Pensions Board, has begun to examine submissions from providers of Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs). PRSAs are a new type of investment vehicle, introduced under the 2002 Finance Act. They are intended to be a cheap, flexible and portable alternative for people who would not ...