Christopher Walker

  • Features

    Thinking the unthinkable

    June 2011 (Magazine)

    I have lost a lot of money in recent years by listening to the collective wisdom of the Anglo-Saxon high priests of finance on the subject of the euro. They have been universally critical, and frankly ridiculed its chances of survival. As Europe’s sovereign debt crisis has unfolded, the crowing satisfaction from these quarters has been deafening. And yet the euro not only refuses to die, but goes from strength to strength against the dollar. Maybe it is time to turn to an iconoclast to understand what is really going on.

  • Book Review

    Books: In a ‘death spiral’

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    ‘The Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order’, by Damon Vickers, Wiley 2011, 190 pages

  • Banker bashing: the long view

    Banker bashing: the long view


    A review of 'Barbarians of Wealth – Protecting yourself from Today's Financial Attilas'

  • The Tea Party's penny dreadful

    The Tea Party's penny dreadful


    A review of 'The Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order'