Dirk Soehnholz

  • Advantages of a naïve approach

    Advantages of a naïve approach

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    Dirk Soehnholz and Marcus Burkert find that ‘naïve’ strategic asset allocation offers improved risk/return characteristics over traditional ‘pseudo-optimised’ asset allocation

  • Features

    Reviewing asset allocation

    May 2008 (Magazine)

    What are German pension funds really up to? Dirk Söhnholz outlines the findings of a recent survey

  • Features

    European consultancy shapes up for the future

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    Stricter regulation and disappointing investment performances during the past couple of years have shaken up the inter-relationship between asset managers, institutional investors and consultants. Two independent Dutch and German consultancy firms that are cooperating together explain their reasons against a changing scenario for their businesses

  • Features

    Porting alpha via hedge indices

    May 2006 (Magazine)

    To understand the concept, firstly ‘alpha’ has to be defined. Alpha is a return that is unsystematic and uncorrelated to a general market direction and risk, whereas beta is a systematic and market related return. The most important question is, what is ‘general market’? Do we only talk about overall ...

  • Features

    Hedge funds - too late again?

    November 2005 (Magazine)

    Germany introduced an innovative hedge fund regulation on 1 January last year. But German investors, including institutions, have yet to invest significantly in hedge funds, while international institutional investors are increasing their exposure to hedge funds and are even being attracted by German-regulated hedge funds. Are Germans missing the boat ...

  • Features

    Clearing the hurdles

    March 2004 (Magazine)

    One hundred per cent allocation to hedge funds? This is not as silly as some may think. If an institutional investor were to simply put hedge fund return data into their asset liability model, 100% may well be the answer. The risk return characteristics of hedge funds are so attractive, ...