All IPE articles in December 2017 (Magazine)
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Special Report
Risk parity: Renewed vigour
Risk parity strategies have confounded the sceptics in 2017, performing well following mixed performance in previous years
Norway reduces oil risk
A hallmark of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund has been its transparency. But Norway has also felt the need to tread cautiously when it comes to the fund’s investment policy
New pensions system is still a long way off for the Netherlands
2020 deadline looks less realistic amid delays and disagreements as to how new sytem should work
Country Report
Jesper Kirstein: Kirstein widens its Spektrum
Kirstein has formed a new asset-management company to increase client reach, writes Rachel Fixsen
Research: The return of long-term investing
“Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others” according to John Maynard Keynes, one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century
Country Report
Industriens: Radical move pays off
Switching all pension assets of active members to market-rate returns has allowed Industriens Pension to reap the benefits of wider diversification
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Greg McClymont
Pension systems everywhere are either struggling to manage the shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) or contemplating the journey
Monetary policy: Too much of a good thing
The ongoing economic expansion is set to become the longest in the post-war era, at least for the US. The debate about the pros and cons of zero rates and quantitative easing continues
Asset Class Reports
Hedge funds: No longer out of reach
Hedge funds have become more investor-friendly since the global financial crisis but there is still room for improvement
On the Record: Are you a hedge fund investor?
Merseyside Pension Fund, Stapi Lífeyrissjóður Iceland and Fondo Pensioni BNL BNP Paribas Italy on investing in hedge funds
Special Report
Macro matters: Positions of fragility not strength
Are investors behaving complacently, ignoring the warning signs of markets still reliant on central bank generosity?
Focus Group: Risks get real
We asked a group of 30 pension funds with total assets of €293bn what risks the markets will face during 2018
Asset Class Reports
Nordic investors: Keeping faith
Nordic investors still think hedge funds have a place in their portfolios despite concerns about underperformance and high fees
Country Report
M&A in Finland: Ilmarinen merges with Etera
Ilmarinen is to become the largest property investor and second-largest pension provider in Finland when it merges with Etera
How we run our money: Ericsson Pension Foundation
Christer Franzén , CIO of the Ericsson Pension Foundation, talks about the fund’s capital-preservation philosophy
Unconventional monetary policy needs to end soon
Growth in the euro-zone is back on track, unemployment has fallen and the economy is generally in better shape than before the crisis. The only missing element in the recovery is inflation
Country Report
Sweden: Domestic players
How are Sweden’s largest pension providers managing their assets?
Country Report
Norway: A trillion dollar issue
Is managing its huge sovereign wealth fund distracting the Norwegian Central Bank from its monetary stability role?
Diary of an investor: A free lunch, or two
In common with many others, Wasserdicht’s international pension plans have dispensed with most of their traditional active equity allocations over the years
Special Report
Demographics: Could interest rates eventually rise?
Will an ageing global population and a falling saving ratio trigger rate rises?