BELGIUM - The president of Belgian's Senate commission on social affairs has remarked that the early retirement is “no longer an option” for the 'baby boom' generation born after the World War II.

"To bear the costs of an aging population, this baby boom generation must understand they have to work till the age of retirement," said Annemie van de Casteele in an article for the US pensioner group AARP.

She said Belgium is Europe’s “finest student” in early retirement – but added: “I would leave up to you if this really is a title to be proud of.”

“Procedures of retirement during the past thirty years made it look as if early retirement was an untouchable attainment, but we must finally acknowledge that such is no longer the case.”

"Instead of reducing older people's motivation, our society also has duties to baby boomers. Someone in his 50s needs to be encouraged to labour without penalty. A financial bonus for this group could be an incentive.”

She added: “One thing is for sure, the clock is ticking. We need to be aware of this new challenge and must reorganise. To wait another 10 years would probably be too late.”