All Guest Viewpoint articles – Page 3
Opinion Pieces
Investors do not care about physical climate risks
One of the most pressing questions facing today’s climate research is whether climate change risks are reflected in stock prices. In a peer-reviewed study* recently accepted for publication in Journal of Banking and Finance, we found that investors only care about climate change risks when policymakers intervene, not about physical climate risks.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Macron’s reform paves way for development of French second- and third-pillar pension
The rationale of the reform is simple: the rising life expectancies combined with decreasing birth-rate have accelerated the aging of the French population
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Let us redefine industrial policy
Peter Kraneveld proposes to think in terms of ‘economic change policy’ instead
Opinion Pieces
How to improve investment committees
Most asset management firms, private and public institutional investors and family offices have investment committees. Poorly designed boards can potentially destroy substantial value in the investment management industry, yet little research is available. I would like to propose a new way to think about the governance of investment committees.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: How to prepare your scheme for the buyout backlog
Schemes must proactively prepare for major delays in risk transfers
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Is long-term benchmarking realistic?
Instead of asking ‘what is a long-term model for investment benchmarks,’ we can ask ‘how many institutions view long-term benchmarking as practical?’
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: It’s the government’s move now
Pension funds should urge governments to support new products and habits to reduce CO2 emissions
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Viewpoint: Climate change action is failing
Recent research showed that around two in three respondents in financial organisations did not believe their own climate promises could be kept in time
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Viewpoint: Breaking the banks
Pension funds should ally themselves with activist investors to break up the hegemony of large banks
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Green bonds require better coordination for real impact
Worth approximately $128.3trn (€117trn), the global bond market could add billions to the global effort to reach the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs). Yet only a fraction of the market currently consists of green, social and sustainability (GSS) bonds, and of that very little is being issued in developing countries. In 2022, annual GSS bond issuances stood at under 10% of overall bonds and only 13% of them came from entities in developing countries, a number that dwindles to around 5% when excluding issuers from China.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: UK defined contribution market
Many investors nearing retirement are unable or unwilling to take on the volatility associated with a more aggressive portfolio
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: The carbon credit conundrum – a new approach
The goal of linking verifiable carbon mitigation and nature restoration with a financial return has long been the holy grail for climate-aware investors
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Fee transparency – it’s good for managers too, but they probably won’t believe it
Asset managers are still not properly able to represent the true and comparative value-for-money they provide
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Standardised data on diversity and inclusion will help team development
Promoting inclusiveness and diversity in organisations is key to discovering their human capital potential. But fostering a culture of continuous improvement is critical if this is to be fully realised.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Australian-style reforms can unlock green growth and boost pension performance
Rewriting UK pension rules could unlock green growth, directing much-needed investment into sustainable infrastructure
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Differentiation – the future of professional pension trusteeship
When purchasing professional services, choice is good. Differentiated choice is even better.
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Pensions and the EU's plans on social protection
Elections for the European Parliament will be held in spring 2024, after which a new European Commission will be formed. Early preparation to collect new ideas is ongoing. The Commission’s high-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state published a report in February, taking a wide-angle look at social protection, including pensions.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Recent stock story is two steps forward, one step back
Consider everything investors have been through in recent years: a global pandemic, rapid inflation, war in Europe, volatile markets, and, in recent weeks, reminders of weaknesses in parts of the global banking system. It’s reasonable to feel uneasy in the face of so much uncertainty. Now imagine it’s the end ...
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: LDI regulation should not ignore private asset solutions
In the aftermath of the liability-driven investing (LDI) crisis, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) in the UK drew up guidelines for pension funds to improve the resilience of LDI strategies. These guidelines primarily aim to support the creation of liquidity buffers so that pension funds can withstand yield shocks. To that end, the guidelines advise pension funds to conduct stress tests and identify suitable collateral with respect to both leveraged and unleveraged LDI strategies using yield-shock scenarios.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Stewardship beyond the surface: not all engagement is created equal
Put simply, good engagement leads to better client outcomes over the long run – and the opposite also applies