UK – Aon Consulting has been appointed to provide online pensions services to Innogy Group, whose pension scheme is part of the £22bn (€36bn) Electricity Supply Pension Scheme.

Aon will supply an online pension scheme booklet, which does more than just spell out rules and regulations, says Allen Brown, head of Aon Consulting’s web unit.

“The module basically communicates a whole range of pensions information to a company’s employers, employees, former employees and retirees. It tells them about pensions entitlement and calculations and takes away the need for employers to distribute little books that can’t evolve like an electronic product can.”

There are three product lines that are tailored to individual schemes needs and requirements, since, as Brown points out : “No two pension plans are alike, so naturally we can’t offer an off the shelf product.” These are the online booklet, pensions planner (a stand alone tool that allows employees to calculate their pensions and make forecasts by jiggling figures), and pension line (a more sophisticated database driven online version of pensions planner).