All IORPs articles
EIOPA: Pension risk stable, market risks still key concern
Geopolitical tensions are reshaping global dynamics, heightening concerns about declining international cooperation and escalating risks and uncertainties
German occupational pensions back streamlined sustainability reporting rules
‘The reporting obligations currently in place make services provided via IORPs more expensive, without offering any significant value in return,’ says WTW
Pension funds should not be treated as NBFIs, PensionsEurope tells EC
Industry association responds to consultation that will inform policy planning in the Commission’s new political mandate
PensionsEurope warns SFDR costs could lower future pension payments
New categories being discussed include ‘transition’ and ‘impact’
Bayer Pensionskasse CEO calls for minimum standards for IORP liquidity risks
Stephan Nellshen said a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to dealing with liquidity risks, especially at the European level, would not work well
BaFin considers investment circular review for Pensionskassen
A step that would facilitate the implementation of Germany’s second pillar pension system proposed reform, according to occupational pension funds association Aba
EIOPA proposes stricter liquidity risk management for pension funds
An increase in interest rates would potentially require pension funds to fulfil margin calls of almost €67bn
Country Report
Understanding France’s new second-pillar regime
IORPs have now taken root in France as providers have shifted from the previous insurance-based regime, but allocations to fixed income remain high
Special Report
Germany: Politicians look to bolster pensions ahead of elections
Draft bills prepared by the government to change public, private and occupational pensions are bound for parliamentary debate
Fondaereo’s cross-border project could shake up landscape as EU reviews IORP II
IORP II directive has ‘complicated the regulatory landscape, says CBBA’s Francesco Briganti
BaFin to replace IT strategy requirements for IORPs with DORA
The instructions are not mandatory, but offer ‘great added value in practice’, says BaFin
Bigger Irish presence as EIOPA names OPSG members for new term
New faces also include Dijana Bojceta Markoja, from the Association of Pension Funds and Insurance Companies in Croatia
EIOPA: European occupational pensions sector ‘remains resilient’
… but still sensitive to monetary policy developments
Pensions industry questions application of German version of CSRD
CSRD reporting will lead to additional costs for pension institutions, says Dirk Jargstorff
German regulator nudges small Pensionskassen to transfer contracts
The number of Pensionskassen, which is one vehicle to provide occupational pensions in Germany, has decreased over the years as the market continues to consolidate
Opinion Pieces
Pension funds’ FIDA problem must be solved
In June 2023, the European Commission put forward the Financial Data Access (FIDA) regulation, which is currently being discussed in the relevant Council working group and in the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
EIOPA’s IORP Risk Dashboard shows market and asset return risks as main concern
Liquidity risks are at a medium level but show an increasing trend compared to the previous quarter, driven by developments in derivative positions
Belgian IORP numbers down in 2022, members up
Belgian regulator delivers latest annual statistical overview of IORP sector
Dutch suggestions for fine-tuning pension funds’ climate stress tests
Five Dutch IORPs supplemented EIOPA’s 2022 stress test, the first to include climate scenarios, with their own more granular approach
IORP II drives fall in Irish pension scheme numbers, says Pensions Authority
For many schemes, trustees and sponsoring employers have decided that ‘it is not practical or economic to make their scheme compliant’ with IORP II