All IPE articles in June 2024 (Magazine)
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Special Report
Roundtable: Sigedis - Steven Janssen
I see two things. One, Europe has every interest in showing and proving that it does what it does in the interest of European citizens, not just in the interest of some industry.
Special Report
Roundtable: PensionsEurope & IAPF - Jerry Moriarty
To strengthen European pensions, the European Commission must prioritise increasing pension coverage, closing existing gaps and ensuring favourable outcomes through funded pensions.
Asset Class Reports
Equities: a return to passive safe havens
In an effort to counterbalance an uncertain economic outlook and geopolitical tensions, many institutional investors are avoiding active management
Pension funds on the record: stewardship and engagement
IPE asked European pension funds to outline their strategy at this year’s shareholder meetings
Special Report
Roundtable: EIOPA - Petra Hielkema
There are there are several countries where many people are saving through occupational pensions but often this is the outcome of decades of dialogue in society between employers, employees, unions, and citizens.
Will the latest wave of official measures drive ESG investing?
The burden of proof that ESG investing works has increased significantly since 2022
Finland’s Elo doubles down on sustainability
Jonna Ryhänen, CIO of Finland’s €31bn Elo, tells Pirkko Juntunen about strategic asset allocation, investing for change and in-house expertise
Country Report
Iceland’s Grindavik volcano underlines the unique and crucial role of pension funds
Pension funds step in to provide relief after Grindavík eruption
PGIM looks to grow private credit
Like other managers, PGIM has grown its private assets and alternative credit franchise as clients – both within the group and external – have broadened their allocations across the real assets and alternative credit universes.
Corporate transition plans need to spell out net-zero dependencies
Corporate climate transition plans are gaining momentum globally. Essentially, these are reports about how a company plans to achieve emission reduction targets, but the idea is that the company will have engaged in strategic thinking and planning to produce such a plan, rather than just churn out more disclosures.
Country Report
Solvency rules continue to hamper Finland’s private pension funds
The Finnish retirement industry hopes that a relaxation of regulations will allow schemes to increase equity allocations
Country Report
Norway: competition hots up in the municipal pensions market
The return of Storebrand signals an uptick in market activity
Opinion Pieces
European elections: the necessary policy leaps to secure citizens' pensions
This month sees European parliamentary elections and by autumn a new Commission will be in place. The political outcome and the composition of the new EC will influence the future shape of what still looks like quite an aspirational capital markets union (CMU) project.
Special Report
Roundtable: Christian Lemaire
Since its creation, the EU has enjoyed greater longevity. However, in the last two decades, it has faced lower birth rates – translating into an increasing ratio of pensioners to working-age population.
Special Report
Europe’s pension policy roundtable: Challenges for the next Commission
The experts weigh in on the future of the European Union’s pensions policy
Special Report
Roundtable: Cardano Insights - Stefan Lundbergh
Europe is facing a demographic glacier requiring firm policy measures today to address future challenges. The longer we procrastinate, the more painful it will become. It is a policy dilemma with challenges that are not that different from addressing climate change.
Special Report
Pension funds should seriously consider venture capital
To fulfil their role, pension funds would be well-advised to invest more in European private equity and venture capital
Asset Class Reports
Magnificent seven stocks suck up capital from other sectors
Concentration of US equity markets around a handful of names remains an intractable issue
Special Report
Roundtable: BVI - Thomas Richter
It is good to see the topics of the Capital Markets Union and improvements in old-age provision gaining momentum at the European level. The next European Commission should focus on reforming the PEPP.
Special Report
Roundtable: Bruegel - Rebecca Christie
Everyone in Europe should have access to a decent pension product that takes advantage of a large, deep and well-functioning capital market. At the moment, this is made more difficult because of a lack of accessible and truly pan-European products and standards.