All articles by Liam Kennedy – Page 11
Holistic answers needed
Fiduciary management was conceived as a sophisticated and holistic solution to the shortcomings of pension asset management that became evident after the equity market downturn of 2000-03
Special Report
Top 1000 Pension Funds 2018: A snapshot of a €7.2trn asset pool
The asset pool of Europe’s leading 1000 retirement funds now exceeds €7.22trn – a 2.49% increase over last year’s 4.45%
Conference Diary: Crisis, what crisis?
Is there a crisis brewing in the asset management industry? Such questions are heard more at conferences and events, reflecting disquiet as the euro crisis recedes and we approach the tenth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Reasons to understand blockchain
The rise of blockchain architecture coincides with a period of falling trust in institutions
The price of skill
It remains to be seen whether pension funds regain their appetite for higher-fee alternative strategies that have fallen out of favour in recent years
Special Report
Top 400 Asset Managers 2018: 10 years of asset growth
This September marks 10 years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the high-water mark of the 2007-09 financial crisis – a decade of profound changes and steady growth for the asset management industry
Interview: Julian Mund, PLSA
Is Julian Mund trying to please too many people as CEO of the UK’s Pension & Lifetime Savings Association?
Matters of life and death
If left to their own devices at retirement, significant numbers are likely to run out of assets years before they die
Strategically speaking: Amundi
Dominique Carrel-Billiard joined Amundi in 2016 to head the integration of Pioneer. His unit is tasked with delivering €45bn in net new inflows over the next three years
Strategically speaking: Redington
When they started out in 2006, Redington’s founders claimed they wanted to “do for pensions what Jamie Oliver has done for school lunches”, referring to the popular British TV chef
Special Report
Factor Investing: Trend convergence
Factor investing has proved to be one of the enduring innovations of asset management in recent years
Conference Diary: Private markets at SuperReturn
Bank disintermediation since the financial crisis has proven a big opportunity for private equity firms to boost their direct lending and other private-debt activities
The right balance
In a world that has demanded greater levels of robustness of financial institutions since the financial crisis, regulators are also faced with how to calibrate the funding requirements of pension funds
Book Review
Book Review: Pension lessons from abroad
Pensions as an area of public policy are uniquely steeped in peculiarities. National social-political traditions, labour market practice, and tax legislation are just a few of these
CDC: clumsy Dutch construction?
For some in the UK, collective defined contribution (CDC) pensions are a desirable Dutch import that should be applied more widely. Many are sceptical
Strategically speaking: Deutsche Asset Management/DWS Group
Deutsche Asset Management set about trying to conquer the world in the 1990s and 2000s. CEOs have come and gone, as have brands. Another rebrand will follow this month’s planned IPO
Private markets, social impetus
There is a late-stage investment cycle feel in many markets. In private equity, reports of mega-sized fund raisings and buyouts are competing with concerns about high-yield spreads and covenant-light loans
Strategically speaking: Janus Henderson Investors
Andrew Formica, co-CEO of Janus Henderson Investors, talks about the benefits and challenges of the recent merger
Focus on the end goal
Buy and sell side can capitalise by thinking strategically about the focus on long-term invesment
Special Report
BlackRock: Active transformation
BlackRock’s Mark Wiseman tells IPE how the firm is integrating quant and fundamental active strategies