Pieter Mullen

  • Features

    What’s on the menu?

    September 2013 (Magazine)

    As CIO of the Wasserdicht Pension Funds in the Netherlands, I have quite a bit to do with our fund’s boards and committees. I am on the management board of what we now call the ‘investment bureau’ and in that role I have to sit in on many trustee board meetings as an observer and answer questions.

  • Features

    They want our money

    June 2013 (Magazine)

    In the Netherlands, our politicians want our money. They’ve got some of it already, in the form of our government bond holdings, and now they want some more.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: It’s all about feeling in control

    May 2013 (Magazine)

    Our friends at PensionKøbenhavn have been visiting us here in Amsterdam. Last year, our two boards signed a mutual co-operation agreement with our Danish counterparts to start investment joint ventures. More informally, we both hope that we will also benefit from regular sharing of investment knowledge and experiences.

  • Features

    A day to explain Dutch ambitions

    April 2013 (Magazine)

    This year we held the annual global strategy meeting of the Wasserdicht Pension Funds in the Netherlands. As this year’s organiser, I suggested a pleasant country house hotel near Hilversum.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Cold weather, great pay

    March 2013 (Magazine)

    February is not the time to visit Toronto. Stepping outside the airport I am reminded how seriously cold it gets in Canada. Winters are mostly pretty mild in the Netherlands so we don’t get to skate on frozen canals like in the Old Master paintings.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Early retirement? No thanks!

    February 2013 (Magazine)

    One day during our Christmas break, my wife was horrified to read in the daily paper that retirement ages are going up. Jeanette is a French national, even though she has lived most of her life outside of France. ‘There won’t be enough jobs for the young people and the elderly will be forced to work until they drop,’ she said.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: A tale of two funding ratios

    January 2013 (Magazine)

    Just before Christmas I met my friend Ronald, who is CEO of the pension fund for forklift truck drivers. We meet for a beer one evening after work in our regular haunt in Utrecht. As usual, Ronald is not a happy man, and as usual, it comes down to numbers.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: A tale of two cities

    December 2012 (Magazine)

    Last week we visited the offices of two asset managers for finals for a European equities mandate. The experiences were instructive.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Rear-view mirror

    November 2012 (Magazine)

    A couple of weeks ago I made my way to Amsterdam’s Beurs van Beurlage for a festive evening, the annual dinner of the Dutch Committee of Institutional Investors. It’s always a good occasion to catch up with old friends, even if you’d rather give some of the guests a wide berth.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Feed the world

    October 2012 (Magazine)

    It is early September and there’s a chill in the air but the sun is shining. It seems that summer has come late in the Netherlands.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Dog days

    September 2012 (Magazine)

    It is the end of August. Holidays are a distant memory, the leaves are wilting on the trees and the children are going back to school. The euro crisis isn’t getting any worse and markets have even rallied. Welcome to the dog days of summer.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Back to the future

    July 2012 (Magazine)

    A few weeks ago I phoned an old colleague of mine from years back. Jean-Pierre is from Paris. 

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: We all agree… but

    June 2012 (Magazine)

    Everyone agrees about the problems. And everyone agrees that institutional investors need diversified, long-term, risk-managed portfolios to help them meet their liabilities. At least, that is what I concluded after I attended the latest Worldwide Institutional Investing Conference in London last month.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Retirement questions

    May 2012 (Magazine)

    Here in the Netherlands we like to hold a special event for our colleagues when they retire. And there is usually something extra special when someone senior takes their pension.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: CIO talk

    April 2012 (Magazine)

    It is a cold Tuesday morning in March as I land at Copenhagen’s Kastrup Airport on my way to visit Rolf at PensionKøbenhavn, one of Denmark’s most innovative pension funds, to finalise our strategic co-operation in investment matters before board ratificiation. Geert, our recent graduate appointee in the investment department, is with me.

  • Features

    Strategy and tactics

    February 2012 (Magazine)

    The annual strategy meeting of the Wasserdicht pension funds is always an interesting affair. We are meeting at a nice hotel in the area of Frankfurt, with a decent golf course. Helmut from our German Pensionskasse is our host and the chairman of the meeting.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: To be charitable

    February 2012 (Magazine)

    It is a windy morning at the end of January and I am driving to a conference in Amsterdam. 

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Sinterklaas

    January 2012 (Magazine)

    Before Christmas, we at Wasserdicht Pension Funds took a call from a research company. They were visiting Dutch pension funds, they said, to carry out a study of attitudes among institutional investors.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Investment detour

    December 2011 (Magazine)

    This autumn, we at Wasserdicht Pension Funds in the Netherlands are touring some of our factories around the country to talk to members and pensioners about the pension fund.

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Plain talking

    November 2011 (Magazine)

    This week I read about a new initiative calling itself the 300 Club.

More by Pieter Mullen