All PK SBB articles
Swiss pension funds increase interest rates on pension savings
The pension fund for the city of Zurich, Migros Pensionskasse, PK SBB and Publica, among others, have made changes to their interst rates on pensions
Swiss schemes assess impact of UBS/Credit Suisse merger
Several pension funds hold both asset managers for various mandates, according to IPE research
Swiss schemes limit losses from Credit Suisse downfall through diversification, risk monitoring
Publica has refused to approve the decisions of Credit Suisse’s board of directors at every AGM since 2016
DACH roundup: Lombard Odier partners with PensExpert
Plus: PK SBB posts negative returns; Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung interest-free investing; Germany launches DeepTech & Climate Fund
Swiss pension schemes see AUM increase
PK SBB’s total assets reach €19bn while CPEV sees AUM rise to €15.2bn
Swiss federal railways scheme reaches record funding ratio
The retirement assets of all active members will be increased by 4% as of 1 January 2023
Swiss pension funds bet on engagement strategies to guide real ESG changes
‘We are not invested in very ‘problematic’ sectors such as fossil fuels’, says Nest Sammelstiftung
People moves: Folksam LO Pension’s CEO to exit; New AM chief at Credit Suisse [updated]
Folksam, Credit Suisse, Willis Towers Watson, Ircantec, RLAM, Franklin Templeton, FIN-FSA, Brunel PP, ComPlan, PTL, SBB PK, bfinance, ESMA
Switzerland roundup: Zurich cantonal scheme sees equity yield CHF450m
Plus: Railways scheme outperforms own benchmark; BLPK sees returns of 5.1%
Publica joins international organisations for ESG best practice
The fund plans to overweight its portfolio in companies with ‘promising and high-quality patents’
Swiss railways fund hires new CEO from Publica
The new CEO will start in November as the pension fund looks to its next steps following completion of a 10-year recovery plan
CEO of Swiss railways pension fund resigns
Markus Hübscher has led Pensionskasse SBB since November 2009
IPE Conference: PensionDanmark is Europe’s best pension fund
CEO Torben Möger Pedersen takes solo award, while AP4, FRR, ERAFP and ÄVWL are all multiple winners
Swiss roundup: PK Post quits Ethos following governance concerns
Plus: SBB’s Pensionskasse reports 2017 return above benchmark
Switzerland: BVK posts 5.7% return for 2016, railways pension fund 3.4%
BVK says equities plus EM bonds and commodities drove ‘good performance’
Swiss railway fund signals plan for flexible pension on hold
PK SBB adjusts technical parameters but leaves pension payout level untouched.