All IPE articles in September 2017 (Magazine)
View all stories from this issue.
Swedish mail operator withdraws SEK900m from pension fund
Regulator warns of long-term problems after employer also quadruples discount rate
Strathclyde hedges currency risk after bumper return
Scotland’s biggest public sector pension fund also allocates £160m to direct investment portfolio
Asset management roundup: MJ Hudson makes Brexit move
Plus: New LGPS transparency code commitments, HSBC MiFID II research decision
Special Report
Norway: Tax incentives for pension saving
Government plans taxation measures to encourage the population to save for retirement
Special Report
Switzerland: Reform hurdles to overcome
AV 2020 reform package faces public referendum as well as approval by the cantons
How we run our money: HSBC UK Pension Scheme
Mark Thompson, CIO of HSBC’s UK pension scheme, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the scheme’s creative de-risking solutions and search for innovation in DC provision
Country Report
RAAs: Value protection or moral hazard?
Are regulated apportionment arrangements the answer for insolvent employers?
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Peter Kraneveld
“The elephant graph explains why people are unhappy”
Special Report
Portugal: Gradual improvements
Pensions gain from the country’s steady economic recovery
Macro Matters: The revenge of geography
The internet is fuelling rising global populism and digital protectionism
On the Record: How important is a pension fund’s reputation?
Three pension funds – ÄVWL, Ilmarinen and Pensioenfonds PGB – talk about the importance of reputation and trust
Special Report
Sweden: More freedom to invest
Rules limiting investment by national pensions buffer funds have been relaxed
Special Report
France: Shaking things up
French pension funds and first-pillar reform are on the horizon
Strategically speaking: La Française
Can mid-sized asset management firms survive in today’s world?
Special Report
MNOPF: Trustees must focus on their responsibilities
Rory Murphy, chair of the trustee board of the UK’s MNOPF, says the success of fiduciary management depends equally on managers and trustees
Special Report
Italy: Focus on flexibility
Lawmakers in Italy are increasing flexibility of access to pensions to soften the impact of the rising retirement age and boost savings
Special Report
Finland: Reforms postponed
Plans to reform the provision of social and health services will have a knock-on effect on occupational pensions
Industry Views: FCA review
The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) released the final report of its 18-month Asset Management Market Study in the summer. The study offered evidence that the UK market for institutional investment advice and fiduciary management is not working efficiently.
Asset Class Reports
Indices fail to measure up
Global bond indices have serious flaws including a low weighting in emerging markets