All shareholder engagement articles
Opinion Pieces
The US perspective on a mixed proxy season
Opinion is divided on whether opposition to environmental and social considerations are increasing following the 2024 annual general meeting season in the US.
What’s next on Exxon?
While Arjuna and Follow This have dodged a legal battle, they have surrendered their campaign in the process
Pension funds call on Tesla to keep to one share, one vote
Investor Coalition for Equal Votes says ‘Tesla gives us particular cause for concern’
Opinion Pieces
The art and science of investor collaboration in the quest for effective stewardship
In the evolving landscape of sustainable investment strategies, the significance of engagement has become more pronounced in recent years. Traditionally seen as supplementary to investment processes, stewardship has transformed into an indispensable tool for achieving meaningful environmental and social change.
Shareholders give green light to Shell’s diluted climate plan
Its decarbonisation strategy secured 78.2% support at a vote, despite vocal opposition from some asset owners
CA100+ drives reduction in corporate climate waffle, study finds
A high proportion of non-specific information – or ‘cheap talk’ – in climate commitments shows companies are not genuinely committed to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Ethos expects UBS to tighten lending policy for high emission sectors
The foundation is asking UBS to phase out from high emission sectors such as thermal coal
Pension funds press TotalEnergies to improve governance
AGM resolution challenges Patrick Pouyanné, who holds both positions of CEO and chair of board of directors
Special Report
Investors engage with corporates on nature issues
Shareholders are ramping up their stewardship efforts on key topics like deforestation and biodiversity
Special Report
AGM season preview: nature at the ballot box
Despite the backlash against ESG, biodiversity risks will be on the agenda during the next round of shareholder meetings
Asset managers’ backing of ESG resolutions falls to three-year low
ShareAction is urging asset managers to rethink voting policies seen during the last AGM season
Country Report
France moves ahead with innovative climate reporting rules
A new French law could compel companies to disclose their climate plans
Pensioenfederatie wants sustainability due diligence directive to include investors
The federation is rallying support for investors to engage with investee companies on human rights violations and environmental adverse impacts
Opinion Pieces
Questions BP investors should ask themselves
A lot has happened in sustainable finance since the last AGM season: an energy crisis in Europe, an escalating legal campaign against ESG in the US, a credibility crisis for the world’s biggest net zero investment group, and ground-breaking political agreements to protect the planet’s natural resources and marine ecosystems.
AGM season: ESG ‘wins’ in shareholder requests
‘Complex environmental and social challenges are not going away just because they prompt controversy,’ says Heidi Welsh of the Sustainable Investments Institute
Eumedion prefers ‘intensive dialogue’ over binding vote on exec remuneration
The Dutch association for institutional investors will no longer push for a binding shareholder vote on renumeration reports
Engagement roundup: Fidelity International to review member communication
Plus: AllianzGI supports shareholder resolution on worker rights at Starbucks
Swiss BVK continues to engage on climate, social goals despite struggles
The fund supported the call of non-profit organisation Majority Action to replace Chevron’s CEO and lead director at its AGM
Credit Suisse shareholders reject pension funds’ request for Greensill audit
Shareholders voted against Ethos Foundation proposaland rejected a proposal to discharge legal liabilities for directors and executives for the 2020 financial year
VW blocks latest shareholder proposal on climate lobbying
Carmaker rejects latest shareholder proposal on the basis that it deems it beyond the competence of the general meeting