All Special Report articles – Page 4
Special Report
Pension funds should seriously consider venture capital
To fulfil their role, pension funds would be well-advised to invest more in European private equity and venture capital
Special Report
Roundtable: BVI - Thomas Richter
It is good to see the topics of the Capital Markets Union and improvements in old-age provision gaining momentum at the European level. The next European Commission should focus on reforming the PEPP.
Special Report
Roundtable: Bruegel - Rebecca Christie
Everyone in Europe should have access to a decent pension product that takes advantage of a large, deep and well-functioning capital market. At the moment, this is made more difficult because of a lack of accessible and truly pan-European products and standards.
Special Report
Roundtable: CBBA-Europe - Francesco Briganti
It is acknowledged that the IORP II directive is currently under revision, and it is likely that additional requirements will be introduced in new legislation. The European Commission should not introduce additional requirements regarding solvency, governance, information, or reporting because IORPs already work well.
Special Report
Roundtable: Eversheds Sutherland - Eric Bergamin and Francois Barker
Many pension rules have their origins in European legislation. The European Commission wants every EU citizen to be able to build up an adequate pension to avoid a poverty trap among the elderly, and also wants solid consumer protection.
Special Report
Roundtable: Avida International - Dorothee Franzen
Since the 2012 European Commission white paper on pensions, ensuring both the adequacy of pension systems and their financial sustainability over the long term have been the key and mutually intertwined goals of the EU’s pension policy. These principles are no less relevant now.
Special Report
Roundtable: APG Asset Management - Onno Steenbeek
Regarding the prioritisation of policies by the next European Commission to strengthen European pensions, it is clear that addressing the challenges presented by an ageing population and ensuring sustainable, adequate pension systems must be a priority.
Special Report
Roundtable: AEIP - Simone Miotto
Taking into consideration that pension design is a national competence, and therefore a responsibility of the member states, the European Commission must retain high-level social policies in its next term and continue to engage with stakeholders.
Special Report
Manager selection: Solving the pension liquidity puzzle
Advisers and fiduciary managers are working as hard as ever to meet the liquidity needs of pension funds
Special Report
Round table: Manager selection priorities for 2024
IPE asked eight manager research business leaders: what will be the three most important topics or trends in manager selection over the next 12 months and beyond?
Special Report
New regulations tackle water insecurity
The new European Sustainability Reporting Standards’ E3 tackles the complex and diverse realm of water insecurity
Special Report
Investors engage with corporates on nature issues
Shareholders are ramping up their stewardship efforts on key topics like deforestation and biodiversity
Special Report
Natural capital special report: Getting to grips with the TNFD
More than 100 financial institutions have formally committed to adopting the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures. Here’s how some of them are getting on so far
Special Report
Biodiversity: bridging policy and finance
Governments and pension funds can leverage new capital markets instruments to meet the twin challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change
Special Report
AGM season preview: nature at the ballot box
Despite the backlash against ESG, biodiversity risks will be on the agenda during the next round of shareholder meetings
Special Report
Risk transfer special report: Pension liabilities shift to insurers
New players are waiting to enter the UK pension risk transfer market but this will depend on how accommodating Solvency UK will be
Special Report
AllianzGI partners with DBR to offer pension risk transfer
A new joint venture allows corporates to offload pension obligations to an innovative corporate structure
Special Report
Fiduciary management special report: Has the UK peaked?
After years of growth throughout the 2010s, the number of fiduciary mandates has levelled off. Will trustees still opt for fiduciary now that insurance risk transfer is cheaper and consolidator funds have received the green light?
Special Report
Colorado fire and police settle with Cognizant
In August 2021, Fire and Police Pension Association Colorado (FPPA), alongside other plaintiffs, reached a settlement with Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation for $95m (€88.7m).
Special Report
USS settlement with Petrobras and PWC Brazilian subsidiary
In February 2018, the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) reached a settlement with PWC’s Brazilian subsidiary as part of a class action lawsuit against Petrobras.