All Special Report articles – Page 9
Special Report
Manager selection: Brunel’s Helen Price on diversity and inclusion
Helen Price explains to Sophie Robinson-Tillett how the Asset Owner Diversity Charter will help schemes formulate standardised requests for information.
Special Report
Briefing – Regulation
In Frankfurt, EIOPA has responded to the European Commission’s call for technical advice in its stocktake on IORP II, the European framework for occupational pensions. EIOPA proposes widening the scope of IORP II in a pivot away from cross-border pensions and towards sustainability. A consultation process is open until 25 May.
Special Report
Natural capital: Investors press for impact
The focus is starting to shift from pure risk reporting to ensure that investments have a positive effect on declining biodiversity
Special Report
Natural capital: KLP hopes for a nature-positive economy
The asset manager’s head of responsible investments speaks to Sophie Robinson-Tillett about her optimism that the COP15 agreement will lead to regulatory change
Special Report
Special Report – Natural capital
Incorporating nature risk into financial analysis remains the - for now elusive - goal for investors, but this is hard given the lack of consensus on what information should be collected and how it should be presented. Such questions are the domain of the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the group founded in 2021. As well as striving for transparency and consistency in data disclosure, asset owners are also keen to deter inflated and exaggerated claims by asset managers on biodiversity impacts.
Special Report
Natural capital: Industry turns its gaze on biodiversity
Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures sets out to create a framework to help financial institutions and companies report their dependencies and impacts on nature
Special Report
Natural capital: Asset owners start to engage
Two new global initiatives are under way to help investors focus on issues such as deforestation, while some managers have been on track for a while
Special Report
Natural capital: New nature fund aims to halt loss of flora and fauna
Global Biodiversity Framework fund is targeting $200bn per year by 2030, but there is uncertainty about private sector participation
Special Report
Natural capital: First nature benchmark shows the time to act is now
Investors can contribute to a nature-positive world now by understanding their portfolio company impacts on nature and prioritising action
Special Report
Pension funds on the record: The benefits of a themed portfolio
European pension funds are increasingly organising portfolios according to ‘themes’. Here are two examples of thematic investing in equities
Special Report
UK pension risk transfer market set for bumper 2023
Improved pricing and funding levels turned 2022 into a busy year for insurers, with more demand expected in 2023. But can they cope with the higher demand and will pricing remain competitive?
Special Report
Special Report – DC pensions
Workplace pensions can differentiate themselves by their stewardship and engagement programmes. But effective stewardship is generally the preserve of larger defined benefit players and big investment managers. Now, technology means investors in smaller pooled funds can express their proxy voting preferences, shifting the power away from the managers and towards asset owners.
Special Report
DC Pensions: UK funds grapple with cost of living crisis
Auto-enrolment in the UK has been a success, but the many strains on household incomes represent its biggest test yet
Special Report
DC Pensions: Funds take greater role in corporate stewardship
Voting power is still largely with fund managers, but DC schemes are taking steps to make their voice heard
Special Report
DC Pensions: Dutch pension funds grapple with member choice decisions
Member choice will be central after Dutch pension reform, at least in theory
Special Report
DC Pensions: Australians exercise pension choice
While the default MySuper dominates the superannuation industry, Australia’s defined contribution system offers a complex and wide range of options for retirement
Special Report
Prospects 2023: Asset management roundtable
The past year was one of the most challenging ever for institutional investors. Here, asset allocators and others assess the current and future risks to portfolios and identify the opportunities in an environment that remains highly uncertain
Special Report
Prospects 2023: The inflation conundrum facing investors
Institutional investors would do well to include commodities and trend strategies to mitigate inflationary pressures
Special Report
Prospects 2023: ESG-driven divestments threaten energy transition
Investor support for miners is crucial to ensure a sufficient supply of metals for renewable technology
Special Report
Prospects 2023: Does zero China make sense?
Many investors are avoiding the People’s Republic, but they would do well to look at the reality