Zsolt Lengyel

Zsolt Lengyel is foundation secretary, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy

  • Young-jin Choi
    Special Report

    Strategy: Focus on real-world GHG

    Towards Net Zero: COP26 and Beyond

    A portfolio decarbonisation framework for real-world greenhouse gas emissions impact 

  • The carbon pricing model

    Long term matters: What kind of decarbonisation matters most?

    January 2021 (Magazine)

    This article was written on the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement. In 2015, the world committed to keep warming below 2°C, meaning decisive annual reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Instead we have had a 7% increase in GHG since 2015 and are on track for about 3°C warming with a high risk of irreversible tipping points.