All Asset Class Reports articles – Page 5
Asset Class Reports
Private markets: Venture capital investment beyond Sillicon Valley
A golden age of innovation opens opportunities for investors
Asset Class Reports
Private markets: Pension funds review private equity as allocations hit targets
Lower equity and fixed income values see pension funds off-load their exposure to illiquid assets
Asset Class Reports
Emerging market debt report
This year has seen hefty losses on the main emerging market debt indices, in both hard and local currency denominated bonds. Investors are left assessing whether these price moves are justified. Or has the market overreacted to US rate rises and the war in Ukraine, leaving markets as a whole underpriced?
Asset Class Reports
Emerging market debt: managers face choppy waters
Some see opportunities as investors have exited the asset class but emerging economies continue to face divergent trajectories
Asset Class Reports
Emerging market debt: China government bonds
The outlook for Chinese government debt is looking less attractive
Asset Class Reports
Equities – Fundamental managers on the search for quality and growth
At a time of high volatility in markets, bottom-up selection based on equity fundamentals is as relevant as ever, but managers remain challenged to find resilient companies
Asset Class Reports
Equities – Are Paris-aligned benchmarks a climate gamechanger?
Inflexible annual carbon reduction targets and weak data can lead to flawed decision-making
Asset Class Reports
Credit: Inflation and the bond markets
Risks look likely to be building in credit as central banks wreak collateral damage on economies in their bid to tame inflation
Asset Class Reports
Quant managers: Quoniam’s Nigel Cresswell
Liam Kennedy spoke to Quoniam Asset Management’s CEO about the challenges and opportunities faced by a quant boutique
Asset Class Reports
Quant managers: back with new weapons
As investors show renewed interest in value strategies, quant managers look for better uses of alternative data
Asset Class Reports
Emerging markets: Global or local?
For emerging market strategies, it is difficult to establish a clear link between performance and local presence
Asset Class Reports
Portfolio strategy – Emerging markets
It is no secret that while investments in emerging markets promise to deliver superior returns, thanks to their exposure to faster-growing economies, actual performance has been volatile and, at times, disappointing. Over the past decade, emerging market indices have outperformed, as have fund strategies.
Asset Class Reports
Emerging markets: Investors stay positive on Chinese investments
Many Western investors are staying put in China. But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has given them pause over what might change their stance
Asset Class Reports
Credit: Investors cautious over Ukraine war
Despite geopolitical tensions, inflation and rising costs, private debt market remains optimistic after a record 2021
Asset Class Reports
Credit: EU raises the green bond stakes
The EU is considering making its Green Bond Standard mandatory
Asset Class Reports
Credit: Anthropocene fixed income
Former credit portfolio manager Ulf Erlandsson is on a mission to shake up the bond markets’ climate-change credentials
Asset Class Reports
Portfolio Strategy – Inflation: A new regime
CIOs and asset allocators discuss the effect of inflation on portfolios
Asset Class Reports
Portfolio Strategy - Hedge Funds: Juggling the ESG imperative
ESG has the power to transform, but do hedge funds have the drive, data and determination to fit sustainability into their investment process?
Asset Class Reports
Portfolio strategy – Hedge funds: macro bets on
Global macro funds should do better in the current market environment – but not all will thrive and investor due diligence will be key
Asset Class Reports
Portfolio Strategy – Fixed income report
As the earnings season gets under way in early January, we look at 2021’s bumper level of bank debt issuance, in particular from Bank of America, JP Morgan and Citigroup, which have all recorded big increases in deposits. Banks look set to benefit from rising rates this year, but also from their historically large capital buffers, diverse funding levels and central bank liquidity backstops and offer attractive valuations.