Two e-commerce initiatives have been announced by Barclays Capital, the investmentment banking arm of the Barclays Group. The first is the Exchange Traded Access System (XTAS), an internet-based futures trading platform that allows users to deal directly on futures exchanges around the world by giving them their own order entry capability. Initially the exchanges include those in Tokyo, Germany and Switzerland, as well as Liffe in London and the Chicago exchanges. More will be added as they switch from open outcry.
The second product, CB Webinfo, lets investors view on-line research on convertible bonds, market commentaries, indicative prices and prospectuses. Later this year, phase two will add a convertible bond database with terms for more than 3,000 issues and on-line trading facility, among other features. Last October, the firm launched CP Webtrade, the first step in an internet system for trading euro commercial paper, European bank certificates of deposit and European government treasury bills.
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