Bob Swarup
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- Special Report
Macro matters: Central bank powers set to fade further
Central bankers were seen as all-powerful, all-knowing and all-guiding. The financial crisis has tarnished this reputation
- Features
Briefing: Deep tensions threaten EU vision
This is not a commentary on the UK within or without Europe. Brexit has been a compelling distraction but it is one macroeconomic strand in a complex world. The overwhelming coverage has also moved attention away from key internal tensions within the European project.
- Features
Briefing: It is all downhill from here
Six months ago, markets were rediscovering volatility, sentiment was wavering and there were growing fears that we had reached the end of a decade-long bull market for most assets. There were several reasons, such as worries over indicators, global trade tensions and the sustainability of corporate earnings growth, but one of the key ones was the relentless raising of interest rates by the US Federal Reserve.
- Features
Macro matters: Brexit’s challenge for Europe
It is human nature to reduce the complexity of reality to simple rules, simple foci and simple decision points. In this, Brexit is no different
- Features
Macro Matters: Currency returns to the fore
Global tension means exchange rates will again become a key mover of investor decisions
- Features
Macro Matters: Emerging tensions
Amid all the talk of deglobalisation, certain tenets of the world remain fixed in our minds. Key among these assumptions is the status of the dollar as the global reserve currency.
- Features
Macro Matters: Populism is far from dead
Few words are as visceral, and yet as ill-defined, as populism. It has become a catch-all phrase for the sense of malaise sweeping the world
- Features
Cryptocurrencies and the state
Digital currencies dominate the media and water cooler conversations these days
- Special Report
Macro matters: Positions of fragility not strength
Are investors behaving complacently, ignoring the warning signs of markets still reliant on central bank generosity?
- Features
Macro Matters: The revenge of geography
The internet is fuelling rising global populism and digital protectionism
- Features
Macro matters: The downsides of hegemony
The US benefits from global dominance but there are downsides for the rest of the world
- Features
Macro Matters: Shades of Görtz’s folly
Bob Swarup warns that blaming central banks for all the ails of the world lets politicians off the hook
- Special Report
Outlook 2017: Growing political influence
Political risk has become more complex with the traditional divide between left and right being replaced with a conflict between globalisation and nationalism, writes Bob Swarup
- Features
Macro Matters: Globalisation is dead
Bob Swarup traces cycles of globalisation and deglobalisation in recent centuries and concludes that the world is now turning towards Deglobalisation 2.0
- Features
Macro Matters: Beware the exit genie
Most Brexit speculation seems to be focused on consequences for the UK should it leave the EU, says Bob Swarup. But the result could well be the beginning of the end for the European project
- Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: “Macro matters. We ignore it at our peril”
Open a newspaper. Any newspaper. Read the front page and then the business pages. Absorb, assimilate, repeat. After half a dozen goes, you may notice a pattern.
- Features
Long tech, short toil
Bob Swarup likens today’s environment with the second industrial revolution and the six-year depression it unleashed, and advises investors to get on the right side of the current technological revolution