All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 5
Dutch medical specialists: focus on healthy pensions
Marcel Roberts (right), CIO, and Ravien Sewtahal, investment manager of SPMS, the Dutch pension fund for medical specialists, talk to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about risk management and sustainability
Opinion Pieces
European authorities must focus on derivatives risk
Opinions may differ on whether Brexit has had a positive or negative impact on either of the parties involved. However, it could be argued that an idiosyncratic event such as the liquidity crisis that took place in the United Kingdom at the end of September could have been averted, had the country been part of the bloc. Investors lost confidence in the UK government, now more isolated than before Brexit, and its ability to maintain its fiscal balance, after the announcement of a massive fiscal spending plan at the end of September. That sent yields on UK Gilts soaring and led to a spiralling lack of liquidity, as pension funds rushed to post collateral on their interest-rate derivative positions.
European Commission announcement brings some clarity to derivatives clearing
Many unanswered questions linger after the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. However, a recent announcement by the European Commission (EC) promises to bring some much-needed clarity to the derivatives market.
EC proposes EMIR amendments to make EU clearing more attractive
The Commission aims to build a ‘safe and resilient’ clearing system, by strengthening the EU supervisory framework for CCPs
IPE Conference: New renaissance
‘A greater share of our wealth is being spent on what economists call non-tradable,’ says Ian Goldin
IPE Conference: Positive mega-trends
The level of conflict in the world is also lower than in the past, says Erik Solheim
Mirova’s Philippe Zaouati: realistically optimistic
Asset management CEOs tend to be a clever bunch, but there cannot be many who are familiar with the work of Antonio Gramsci, the 20th century Italian socialist philosopher.
Pension funds on the record: Reflections on a sobering year
Pension fund managers reflect on an extremely challenging year for markets and look to the future, considering questions such as what is risk-free, how to secure inflation-linked assets, the role of central banks and the risk of liquidity crises
Delivering pensions ‘like a Bosch’: Bosch pensionsfonds
Dirk Jargstorff (pictured right), CEO of the pioneering Bosch Pensionsfonds, and Christian Zeidler, CFO, talk to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo on the fund’s 20-year anniversary
Special Report
Prospects 2023: Asset management roundtable
The past year was one of the most challenging ever for institutional investors. Here, asset allocators and others assess the current and future risks to portfolios and identify the opportunities in an environment that remains highly uncertain
Special Report
Special Report – Prospects 2023
The past year will be remembered as one of the most challenging for institutional investors ever. The outlook for 2023 is brighter, if anything because valuations of major asset classes have come back to historical levels.
IPE survey: private equity managers expect stable fundraising, transaction volumes
Given the current valuation levels, 64% of managers said they expected transaction volumes to be stable over the next two years
Asset Class Reports
Private markets report
Our report looks at the impact of economic uncertainty on private debt strategies and on venture capital. We focus on the rising role of pension funds in the private equity secondaries market. We explain in detail what ‘tokenisation’ of private assets is and how it could change this market for institutional investors.
UK LDI woes raise wider European questions
Turmoil in UK Gilt markets has forced continental European pension industries to review their risk management strategies
Special Report
ESG: Spotlight falls on ESG executive pay incentives
Executive pay is increasingly tied to sustainability targets and investors want to ensure incentives are properly designed
Asset Class Reports
Private markets: Private debt investors stand their ground
Despite the likely rise in corporate default rates, private debt is expected to deliver for investors
Opinion Pieces
The biggest test for private credit is upon us
Non-listed asset classes are sometimes touted as the weatherproof investment that can deliver positive returns no matter what, in both strong and weak economic environments.
Ircantec: Aiming for core sustainability
Myriam Métais andCécilia Lyet (pictured) of France’s Caisse des Dépôts talk to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about managing the reserves of Ircantec, the supplementary scheme for public sector employees
Country Report
France: First-pillar pension reform faces impasse
The French state faces growing expenditure on pension but attempts to reform the system have stalled
Country Report
France: Third-pillar pensions and sustainability take centre stage
Clémence Droin, senior engagement manager at Indefi, talks to IPE about the two main areas of focus for the French institutional investment community lack of a regulatory push from pension reforms