All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 7
Country Report
UK: Interview with Sally Bridgeland
Sally Bridgeland, chair of Local Pensions Partnership Investments, discusses the institution’s net-zero carbon emission and cost-reduction strategies
Opinion Pieces
Shareholder action to curb corporate lobbying is urgent
Corporate lobbying has always existed, but only in recent times have investors concerned with sustainability started to monitor the impact of the lobbying activities of their investee companies.
Ukraine & Russia: War-proofing portfolios
Investors react to outbreak of hostilities and reflect on asset allocation in the months ahead
Special Report
Manager selection: Market trends
Manager selection consultants are helping investors navigate the next stages of ESG integration
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Invasion reactions show pension funds are more than investors
Before the Russian government’s decision to invade Ukraine at the end of February, the exposure of European pension funds to Russian assets was relatively low, and in some cases non-existent. Nevertheless, those funds that did invest in Russia acted quickly to reassess their exposure and divest from Russia entirely when possible, given the treacherous market conditions.
Ukraine & Russia: Asset allocation and investing in a time of war
It is a well-known fact that geopolitical events have no lasting impact on financial markets. However, Russian president Vladimir Putin’s decision to wage war on Ukraine has forced institutional investors to reassess their strategies. While stock market indices tend to recover fairly soon after the initial shock of a geopolitical event, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has potentially wide-ranging consequences beyond a sudden spike in volatility.
Special Report
Regulation: SFDR put to the test
One year in and the verdict on the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is mixed
On the record: Emerging markets
Despite the current volatility and geopolitical tensions, European pension funds continue to actively seek returns from emerging market investments.
Perspective – Liability-driven investing: DIY LDI
A multi-decade trend of falling interest rates, the increased complexity of financial markets and the growing burden of regulation have conspired to turn pension provision into an extremely sophisticated activity. This is especially true for defined benefit pension funds, which may be facing a gradual decline in number, but remain a key source of retirement income.
Special Report
The jury is still out on PEPP: industry views
IPE asked some of the leading voices in the European pension industry to comment on the likelihood of success for the PEPP
Special Report
PEPP: Few players on the starting line
In March, the European Union’s Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) framework comes into effect, amid doubts about the take-up by providers
Strategically speaking: Eyes on the next frontier
“Riddle me this,” asks Yves Choueifaty, founder, president and CIO of French asset manager TOBAM. “Why would 70 people who are not TOBAM employees be at our Paris headquarters today?”
Perspective: La dolce pensione
Italy may be on the verge of overhauling its pension system, but there are signs the reform project lacks ambition
How we run our money: Apoteket Pensionsstiftelse
Gustav Karner (pictured), CEO and CIO of Apoteket’s pension foundation, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the institution’s renewed strategy
On the record: Hedging all bets
We asked three European pension funds about their hedge fund portfolios, as the volatile market environment provides opportunities for absolute-return managers
Opinion Pieces
Solving the blended finance puzzle
It is hard to say whether Friedrich Nietzsche, one of history’s most influential thinkers, would have been a supporter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and all that they entail.
Perspective - Blended finance: the ultimate impact investment
Calls for a greater role for blended finance expose the challenges and opportunities of public-private collaboration
On the record: Asset allocation
Three European pension funds discuss their outlook for 2021 and beyond, amid the uncertainty caused by inflation and a new strain of the coronavirus
Strategically speaking – AlbaCore Capital: Alternative credit with pension fund roots
AlbaCore Capital, a Europe-based alternative credit specialist with North American roots, is a fairly rare example of an asset management company that was spun off from a pension fund. David Allen, founder and CIO, established the company in 2016, with a team of European alternative credit specialists that he led from within the $542bn (€366bn) Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB).
On the record: Social issues
Three European pension funds discuss their increasing focus on social factors within their ESG-driven investment strategies