All European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) articles
What’s in the EU’s new work plan for 2025?
Commission is sticking with FiDA and plans to reduce sustainability rules, but delaying IORP, SDR and SFDR reviews
EIOPA: Pension risk stable, market risks still key concern
Geopolitical tensions are reshaping global dynamics, heightening concerns about declining international cooperation and escalating risks and uncertainties
PensionsEurope opposes additional liquidity risk measures at EU level
Industry group responds to EIOPA draft opinion on supervision of IORPs’ liquidity risk management
Pension funds should not be treated as NBFIs, PensionsEurope tells EC
Industry association responds to consultation that will inform policy planning in the Commission’s new political mandate
EU should centralise ESG disclosures to cut costs for investors, says think tank
Think-tank Theia Finance Labs cites estimates that investors spend around €150,000 each year on public disclosures and €1m annually on broader reporting requirements
EIOPA chair links horizontal legislation to complexity, reporting burden
There is an imperative to be ‘smart and efficient’, said Petra Hielkema at EIOPA conference
Pension funds’ assets down by up to 21.5% in climate stress scenario
Losses from the climate transition alone are, however, unlikely to threaten EU financial stability, according to regulators
EIOPA calls for special rules on insurers’ fossil fuel assets to manage transition risks
EIOPA is proposing a 17% capital surcharge on fossil fuel equity holdings and up to 40% for related corporate bonds
Bayer Pensionskasse CEO calls for minimum standards for IORP liquidity risks
Stephan Nellshen said a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to dealing with liquidity risks, especially at the European level, would not work well
Pan-European personal pension product requires improvement
Funded pensions can provide both a retirement income for EU citizens and capital for long-term investments by financial institutions.
ESAs deliver EU data portal, SFDR adverse impact reports
ESAs say draft rules on data portal are ‘first milestone for successful establishment of a fully operational ESAP’
Nordic FSA chiefs urge EU regulators to simplify financial rulebook
Simpler rules should be enforced by ‘risk-based supervision with strong discretionary tools’, Nordic watchdogs tell EIOPA, ESMA, EBA heads
ESAs slam Commission’s rejection of DORA’s technical standards
ESMA, EBA and EIOPA have jointly called on the European Commission to reconsider its stance
Opinion Pieces
The EU needs a few more AP7s
Europe sure does not have a savings problem – EU household savings amounted to €1.4trn in 2022 versus €840bn in the US. What Europe does have, though, is a glut of bank savings capital that serves as a double bind.
EIOPA proposes stricter liquidity risk management for pension funds
An increase in interest rates would potentially require pension funds to fulfil margin calls of almost €67bn
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Lessons for Europe from China
The gradual approach adopted by the Chinese government is both pragmatic and considerate
Drop 1% cost cap for PEPP, advises EIOPA
The European pension regulator believes scrapping the cap will encourage interest in launching a Pan-European Pension Product among potential providers
Investment strategy: how one Dutch pension fund democratised its ESG process
Pensioenfonds Detailhandel’s groundbreaking attempt to democratise its investment process is just one development in this growing trend
Special Report
Ireland: Auto-enrolment slips to vaguer deadline
With a general election looming, there are concerns that workplace pensions will not be a priority
Fondaereo’s cross-border project could shake up landscape as EU reviews IORP II
IORP II directive has ‘complicated the regulatory landscape, says CBBA’s Francesco Briganti