Belgium – the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA) has published a booklet, entitled ‘Why and How to Invest in Private Equity’ aimed at both new investors and those wishing to increase an exiting exposure.

European private equity attracted more than e31.5bn in 2001, a figure that the EVCA says suggests private equity is now generally accepted as an established asset class within many institutional portfolios.

Max Burger-Calderon, chairman of the EVCA investor relations committee, says there is a desire throughout the industry to improve understanding of European private equity and to make it more investor-friendly.

“The complexity of the private equity asset class can sometimes lead to the wrong impression about its transparency, its professional standard and the risk/reward of private equity investing.

“Improving awareness of this asset class is a long-term challenge. Investor interest is very evident and EVCA is continuing to make significant steps in the right direction,” he says.

‘Why and How to Invest in Private Equity’ looks at the characteristics of the asset class, portfolio construction, performance measurement and guidance on monitoring the portfolio.

The EVCA was established in 1983 and has over 900 members. It represents, promotes and facilitates the development of the European private equity and venture capital industry.