All Inflation articles – Page 7
Asset Class Reports
Portfolio Strategy – Inflation: A new regime
CIOs and asset allocators discuss the effect of inflation on portfolios
Country Report
Dutch pension funds tackle inflation
With a nominal liabilities framework under the current FTK rules and a new system around the corner, Dutch schemes are not rushing to inflation-proof their portfolios
Fixed income, rates, currencies: Inflation spotlight on central banks
Not often far from the action, central banks have been centre stage in 2022 as one after another in the developed markets reveal their hawkish intents. The speed and synchronicity with which they have shifted has been pretty remarkable, with only the Bank of Japan not yet joining other main central banks.
Country Report
Investment strategy: Asset allocation at a time of uncertainty
Senior investment figures give their views on asset allocation
Accounting: DB sponsors at a crossroads
If a decade ago the talk was of defined-benefit (DB) scheme sponsors locked in an infernal struggle against the dizzying gravity of spiralling accounting deficits, thoughts now are turning to the end game.
Country Report
Country Report – Pensions in The Netherlands (March 2022)
The nominal treatment of liabilities in the Netherlands’ FTK pension regulatory framework means schemes don’t need to explicitly hedge inflation. But Dutch inflation came in at one of the highest rates in the euro-zone in January, and there has been strong criticism in the last decade about pension indexation cuts.
UK, EU DB accounting position broadly favourable, consultants say
Accounting experts at WTW reported discount rates across a range of plan maturities of between 1.8% and 2% per annum
Alecta sees current volatility creating good credit opportunities
Swedish pension fund reports 24% return for 2021; thanks rising stock markets, strong property market and own work to find fixed income returns
Dutch pension funds see no need for inflation protection
Inflation figures in the Netherlands are currently among the highest in the euro zone
PFA predicts 2022 will offer positive equity returns, despite uncertainty
Chief strategist says historic economic recovery ‘does not seem compatible with a continued decline in equities.’
Virus has created different economic system, says Finnish pensions chief
Governments should channel resources into digitalisation, medicine and other research, says Timo Löyttyniemi
Security-linked pension promises protect from inflation, interest rate volatility, says Mercer
Pension assets in the DAX 40 increased by around €6bn year-on-year last year to around €286bn
Danish FSA deems financial sector risks more uncertain, says inflation may last longer
Financial watchdog highlights its efforts to ensure robust pension sector in the face of greater uncertainty about risks.
On the record: Asset allocation
Three European pension funds discuss their outlook for 2021 and beyond, amid the uncertainty caused by inflation and a new strain of the coronavirus
Pension funds get go-ahead to contest RPI reform plan in court
Hearing expected to take place in summer 2022
IPE Conference: Risk of economic decline is weighing on central banks
Inflation getting stuck above 2% is going to be a problem everywhere, says BBVA’s Jorge Sicilia
Country Report
Inflation: Schemes keep wary eye on inflation
Few players anticipate rampant inflation rises, but pension funds are atuned to the actions of central banks around the world
Special Report
The importance of defining inflation
Investors must reflect on the nature and components of the current rise in inflation
Special Report
Outlook: New challenges await
Inflation rising above central bank targets in both the US and Europe threatens the global economy as it recovers from the shock of COVID-19. The impact on interest rates and growth is unclear, leaving investors with a dilemma on their hands. Should they continue to maintain a risk-on stance or raise their defences against potentially higher volatility throughout next year? At this time of uncertainty, IPE asked a selection of CIOs and strategists to comment about their asset allocation priorities for 2022 and beyond
Research: DB plans caught in a Catch 22
Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan argue that a toxic confluence of demographics, regulation and interest rates are undermining the finances of pension schemes