All IPE articles in July / August 2017 (Magazine)
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Sweden seeks scandal-free pensions system
It can be hard to get people interested in pensions, but the recent sharp acceleration of Sweden’s premium pension system reform process suggests scandal is one thing that will really grab the attention of the public – and politicians
How we run our money: PREVIP
Livio Raimondi, CIO of PREVIP, a €2.2bn multi-employer DC pension fund in Italy, talks about the fund’s growth aspirations
Country Report
Governance: a work in progress
A recent episode involving major Italian pension funds shows how pension fund governance in Italy is still under the spotlight
Special Report
Pension fund governance - Netherlands: New models
Some Dutch pension funds have replaced the traditional board model with a new variant and are reporting positive results
Special Report
UK LGPS: In flux
Governance in the new-look local government pension scheme of England and Wales
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: Firms happy to retain say-on-pay
One of President Donald Trump’s promises has been to loosen regulation on all businesses to boost the economy. A casualty could be shareholders’ right to vote on executive compensation
Country Report
ESG makes headway
ESG strategies are becoming more common among Italian pension funds
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: The Trump reflation trade
The US president’s stated policies appear to have boosted the country’s already-reviving economy
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: Survival in the internet onslaught
The new disruptive environment is having a profound effect on the types of businesses that can survive and prosper
Asset Class Reports
PureGroup: Sensitivity of US equities to macroeconomics
The data shows the sensitivity of selected US equity funds to macroeconomic factors
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: Opportunities in infrastructure
The scale of infrastructure spending being promoted by the Trump administration suggests a role for private-sector funding
Special Report
UK Trustees: The skills required for effective governance
A survey has found that clear communication and good administration top the governance wishlist for trustees
Focus Group: Diversity more than a ‘trend’
We asked a group of European pension funds with total assets of €110bn about governance
On the Record: How do you do operational due diligence?
Three pension funds - RPMI Railpen, Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company and Blue Sky Group - discuss their approach to operational due diligence
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: Opinions differ on valuations
Asset managers differ on whether or not the US equity market is overvalued
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: Stable despite the threats
Investors have not shied away from equities, despite the expectation that near-record low volatility might be due to turn soon
Country Report
COVIP: Plenty more work to do
Italy’s second-pillar pension system is growing and strengthening, but several areas of concerns remain
FundForum: Coming to terms with technology
Impending MIFID II rules and the perennial discussions of Brexit implications were, unsurprisingly, strong themes of June’s FundForum conference in Berlin