The Swedish pensions group reached an key decision at yesterday’s meeting – its first following the expansion of the policy-setting panel to include representatives from all eight parliamentary parties – to allow pauses in occupational pension payouts.
The legislative change, once passed in parliament, is aimed at encouraging and facilitating the return to work of people above state pension age – and keeping older people in work.
As things stand, the receipt of occupational pension payments in addition to a salary pushes many Swedes over tax thresholds, meaning it is financially often not worth working.
It is already possible to pause state pension benefits.
Anna Tenje, minister for older people and social security, said: “It is historic that all parties are included in the pension group, and it is very positive that already at the first meeting we have supported the proposal that it should be possible to pause payments of the occupational pension.”
“The proposal means that it will be easier and more advantageous for a pensioner to start working again without being financially affected by higher taxes due to the occupational pension,” she said.
“Ultimately, it is about three things – that those who want and can work should be able to do so; to make use of the skills of the elderly in the labour market, and that those who do work in this way strengthen their pension,” she added.
The group has also agreed to carry out a review with the goal of a more flexible withdrawal of the occupational pension, the government reported yesterday afternoon.
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